Monday, March 31, 2014

Weekly Menu- March 31st- April 6th, 2013

This week I'm still working on my diet. I eat soup has help me feel fuller and eat less food. As you will see though hubby and the kids won't go for soup everyday. Therefore there are two lunch each day. 

lunchCream Gouda Bisque With Chicken
lunchBologna Sandwich
dinnerChicken Pram
weekly saladTossed Salad
breakfastEggo Waffles
lunchCream Gouda Bisque With Chicken
lunchSpagetties Os
dinnerPrime Rib Roast
breakfastCream Of Wheat (banana And Cream)
lunchChicken Noodle Soup
breakfastEggo Waffles
lunchChicken Noodle Soup
lunchChicken Nuggets
lunchMix Veggies
dinnerBeef And Broccoli
breakfastScamble Eggs
dinnerMix Veggies
lunchHard Boiled Egg Salad
lunchBologna Sandwich
dinnerShepherds Pie

What are you eating this week? 

Today's Goals - Monday, March 31st, 2014

I got up on time this morning, but still was running behind. I slacked this weekend on the dishes, so I had a huge mess to do this morning. Also worked on the rabbits cage. I felt like they were making the whole house smell.
Today's goals
1. Work- Today I work for 8:15am-6pm. 
2. Cleaning - I want to vacume the house today. 
3. Workout- I want to hit the gym today. 
4. Garden - take some of my down time and plant some more seed today. I have a lot to caugh up on. 
5. Pets- finish up the rabbits cage. I cleaned on but the other one is 1/2 way done. 
What are you doing today?

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Kids Korner ~ Lesson Plan for Letter Uu

This week is letter Uu. I still planned something for Monday with the letter Tt. We are going to see a mail Truck on Monday.

Art Project

Monday ~ Make umbrellas
Tuesday ~ Color the letter U picture Thank to Printable for Kids for the coloring page  
Wednesday ~ We will talk about the Universe and how we need a rock to see it (little man into rockets) and make a rocket. Thank to Klein Design for the idea!
Thursday ~ we will do under the sea and make picture of what we would see under the sea.

Fun Letter Uu activates
  • Making a tent out of the table and playing Under the table
  • Using the Water table and playing Under the sea
  • Playing with Umbrellas outside
Other fun things this week
  • Meet a Mailman and check out their truck
  • Take Walks outside ~ weather is going to be warmer
  • Play outside
This weeks videos to help with the letter Uu are

We are going to have a fun week. What are your little ones learning about?

Daily Goals ~ March 29th, 2014

Good Morning, it is rain here. I will take the rain over the snow any day. I got to sleep in this morning. It felt great and has giving me energy to get to work on my goals. I have a lot of things, I would like to get done today.

Today's Goals
  1. Finances ~ Today is the day, I pay stuff and organize us. I have been writing what I spend and use on coupons. I want to know how much I'm saving. I can't wait for the summer and not have to buy y fruits and veggies.
  2. Gardening ~ I got many of my seeds plated last Thursday, I have to water them and check how they are doing.
  3. Cleaning ~ I want to clean and organize the bathroom.
  4. Finances~ I want to organize the taxes for my business and print out the stuff.
  5. Cleaning ~ I want to clean my bedroom.
What are you doing today?

Wedding Wednesday - Wedding Dress 2

My wedding dress 2

After a lot of something with my mom we've decided that we're going to do a second dress. Knowsome of you are thinking that this is not sound like me and like a Bridezilla type of action. But my mom is very concerned on how old addresses, with that and all the dancing we decided to change after my first dances. 

Now how do I find a dress to fit my budget! Yes I did it $30 for the dress shipped to my house! I love the fact that it short in the frount and long and flowing in the back. Being short make it so you will be able to see my boots!! I'm so excited. 

My mom is happy because we can keep the dress in good shape. This is exciting because my little want to wear the dress too!! Ok that would be awesome!! 

Why I believe

I get asked this all the time, how can you believe in God with all the bad in the World? How can you believe in God when things go wrong? You can't see him he not real.

I believe that he is.. It is my personal opinion, and one that I will stand by. I won't tell you your wrong, but don't tell me I am. We go to a LDS Church and love it. I love the community at the church and the people. It is welcoming and great. But I' not writing this post about that.

Thursday, we got a shut off notice from Peco. I couldn't understand it, I was behind by a lot, but making payments (our bills were $500 Jan, $700 Feb., and $600 Mar, they were high because we are using space heater, because we ran out of wood. Super cold winter in Pa this year and we went though 5 cords of wood instead of our normal 2 1/2 cords). I called them and they said that we should send in our information. Then I called back on Friday to see what they wanted. Well I got told they won't do a payment plan with us, because 3 years ago we had one. To call this number and maybe we could get help. I called that number and 8 more other numbers, either they didn't have funding or we make to much. I got so upset and lost it. We are still paying off the well that went. Their is nothing I can do. I don't have the extra $368, what am I going to do. I lost it and start to cry, in 8 day our Power was going off and I can't fix it at all. Hubby grabbed out his gun, and took it to the gun store and tried to sell it (against my wishes, every time we are in trouble he has to sell his stuff) He couldn't sell it, the store won't buy it. Ok we were really out of ideas, and I stop and said at this point I don't know what to do. I don't think I can fix this. I prayed to God and said I don't know what to do not know what to do and who to fix this situation.

Here the part that I loved, I spend 4 hours stressing. I stopped and went to do the dishes. I had someone in y head talking, (yes I know that sounds crazy) It told me; I have gas for the next 2 weeks which I have $100 check coming for gas (because of couponing). I have a well payment planed for this month, which is more than what is need $250. Then I have my saving for my garden $27. That's what I need. I didn't think about it, someone made me think about it.

I thanked God for the help and told hubby. I'm so excited! We figured it out!

Today's Goals ~ Monday, March 24th, 2014

Good Morning, I hope your morning is going great. Other than waking up a little cold, we are having a great morning. Fire going, pets are feed, little one is up and ready for school. It nice! All I have to do is the dishes. What are your morning goals?

Today's Goals
  1. Work ~ I work a half day today. It just me and little man. This week is Tt Week so we will be doing truck project today.
  2. Cleaning ~ Clean Kitchen, and clean up Driveway garden boxes
  3. Pets~ Clean cat little and take the dog for a walk
  4. Cooking ~ We are having the Elders over for dinner tonight. It nice to be able to help out others.
  5. Couponing ~ Start to cut and organize my coupons
With people coming over we want to clean up the house more. I love having people come over for dinner. I love cooking for others.

Gardening Goals ~ I don't even Know

More Snow on the Way
I'm so sick of the snow. I don't even know where I should be on my goals. It is getting warmer, but there is still snow on the ground. What are you guys doing in your garden? I have learned one thing though. Next year I'm taking up 4 season garden.

Daily Goals ~ Friday March 21, 2014

Today is going to be a busy day! A lot to do around the house, but it need to be done. Plus a lot of cleaning and getting the house back in order. I would love to be ahead and get ore planting done, but don't think that would happen today.

Today's Goals
  1. Finances ~ Pay bills and be broke again
  2. Cleaning ~ I have so much cleaning to do today. We have people from the church coming over for dinner.
  3. Cooking ~ Tonight I'm making breakfast for dinner. MMMmmmm pancakes, hash browns eggs, and bacon,
  4. Running ~ I have a few errands to run this today, my lawyer, Zerns, and Weis.
  5. Church ~ I love that we are getting more involved with the Church!
What are you doing today?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wedding Wednesday- Back of the Chair Signs

For my Chair

I'm so excited. I found this 40% of at Joan's Fabric! $10 for both, they were an awesome deal. I'm loving at they are to different colors!! I love having the little things bought ahead of time. 

His chair

Daily Goals ~ March 18th, 2014

We need one of these this morning

This morning is was hard to get out of bed. I' still fighting this cold and feel like I'm losing. Bills don't stop, kids don't stop, pets don't stop, so I can't stop. Yesterday was a busy day, but lots of fun. I got done morning chores already. I'm ahead for now!

Today's Goals
  1. Work- today I work from 8 AM until 6 PM. I have all three kids all day long I got to figure out what we are going to cook this starts with an S.
  2. Gym- I didn't make it to the gym yesterday I still wasn't feeling too well. Hubby and I decided to just get the hot tub instead. I did though get enough guts to jump on the scale, this morning I am down another 3.4 pounds! 
  3. Couponing- I am hoping that I will be able to work out at least one of my deals tonight! Hubby wants to hit giant after the gym, so if we do that maybe I will not have to get up early Wednesday morning and go to the Giant. 
  4. Gardening- I didn't get to plant my tomato seeds last night. I'm hoping to get a little bit of time to plant them I'm not sure if that's going to happen because were hoping to go to the gym and go shopping. 
  5. Family- i'm really enjoying the hot tub time with hubby! It is nice just to get in after a long day and relax hoping to be able to do that with him tonight after everything is all done!
Yesterday's Goals
  1. Work ~ Today I work from 8am-6p, but with this weather one of could end up being later. I know the road will be bad today. ~ I had a wonderful day!
  2. Couponing ~ I download this awesome tracker for y grocery bill from Living Rich With Coupons Hubby fixed it a little to work with my gas points. So now I want to get use to plug in the information. ~ I love it! I'm so lucky to have an amazing man!
  3. Gardening ~ I sucked this weekend and didn't do much. Therefore today, I want to get my tomato plants started. My be a little at a time will help me get moving. ~ I didn't get there, didn't feel good.
  4. Coooking ~ Make a weekly Menu, and print it out and stick to it. ~ I didn't get there, but did figure out what to do for dinner tonight!
  5. Workout ~ Gym tonight! I have to get going and moving. I'm thinking also a 10 minute Yoga video this afternoon. ~ We decide to have so adult tie, and enjoy our hot tube! It felt amazing.
What are your goals today? How did you do on your goals yesterday? I didn't do very well, Oh well today is a new day 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Reading ~ Free Kindle Books

What else is better then grabbing a war cup of tea, free kindle book and cuddling under a blanket on the couch on a cold night? Here are some I downloaded for free.
Get these while they are free and read along with me! Join me on Facebook at Pa Gardeners!

Couponing- Free Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats ~ Loving Giant

Free Cereal!

I have had a lot of people asking me about how I coupon. I'm also starting a group at church! I'm really excited about it. I don't normal shop on Sunday, personal reasons. Yesterday though, I had to go get papers and coffee creamer. I decided that I was going to work this amazing deal.

Loving Giant

Buy 4 box of Mini-Wheat's - $10
Use $1/3 coupon                 
Store takes $6 off for buying 10

You pay $3, get $3 back on next shopping trip!
This deal can be made better, go to and print there coupon $.50 off
Best deal!
Buy 4 box of Mini-Wheat's - $10
Use $1/3 coupon   
Use $0.50/1 which will double to $1/1             
Store takes $6 off for buying 10

You pay $2, get $3 back on next shopping trip
 You made a $1!!
I'm going back and doing two more times!

Daily Goals ~ March 17th, 2014

More Snow In Pa

Okay, I'm sorry about complaining! I am so over this soon!!! I'm sick of being cold, house being closed up, and gardening not being on my mind. Ugh I got up early today, and now I have to shovel. I'm not to happy. It is what it is, not much I can do. I' hoping Wednesday brings better weather!

Today's Goals
  1. Work ~ Today I work from 8am-6p, but with this weather one of could end up being later. I know the road will be bad today.
  2. Couponing ~ I download this awesome tracker for y grocery bill from Living Rich With Coupons Hubby fixed it a little to work with my gas points. So now I want to get use to plug in the information.
  3. Gardening ~ I sucked this weekend and didn't do much. Therefore today, I want to get my tomato plants started. My be a little at a time will help me get moving.
  4. Coooking ~ Make a weekly Menu, and print it out and stick to it.
  5. Workout ~ Gym tonight! I have to get going and moving. I'm thinking also a 10 minute Yoga video this afternoon.
What are you doing today? Is the weather effecting you?

Friday, March 14, 2014

Gardening ~ 8 Weeks Before My Last Frost (2014) - Weekly Goals

                      My book
Week-by-Week Vegetable Gardener’s Handbook, is missing! I'm so lost an behind because I can't find it. Plus this weather we are having in Pennsylvania doesn't say spring! All the snow on my garden beds have just melted and there is a 30% chance of snow on Monday. I did go though Weekly Gardening Goals to see what I'm behind on. It sad to see last year, I have peas growing in the gardening already. This year I can't even get outside to add compost and get the garden ready. I used Gardening~ 8 weeks before my last frost - Weekly Goals to help me plan my goals today

Weekly Goals

  1. Plant Vegetables Seeds-  egg plant pepper, kohlrabi, watermelon, loofah seeds onions, cauliflower, and broccoli
  2. Plant Herbs Seeds - Anise, parsley, summer savory,  fennel, chives, cilantro, oregano, alyssum and basil
  3. Plant Leafy Plants Seeds- lettuce, kale,  Swiss chard, celery and collards (I'm not planting kale or collars until fall, but if you like those plant you can plant them indoors now.)
  4.  Plant Flowers Seeds - Zinnia,  daisy seeds and petunia seeds indoors
  5. Price compost- I want to go Wal-Mart and price compost. I have over 10 garden boxes, so I never have enough compost. I awesome have to buy some. We also are getting aged cow manure for the garden. I shouldn't buy to much this year but I like to make sure I have some to add. 
What are you doing in your garden? Has the weather pushed you back? Let me know

Daily goals- Friday, March 15, 2014

This morning took off lazy day. I really didn't want to go to bed, but I did get up and feed everybody and make breakfast. Then played on my phone for a bit. Now I'm drinking my coffee and getting a move on the day. Today is going to be a gardening day. I have so many seeds to start to plant inside. It's still to could to plant outside, we might get snow on Moday.

See even the cat being lazy, while I'm getting my seeds ready for planting  
Today's Goals
1.  Gardening - Write weekly gardening goals, we are on 8 weeks until our last frost. It sounds so crazy because it's still cold out, but I will end soon. I can't find my gardening book, I'm so lost without it. Which is part of the reasons I haven't kept up weekly goals. I'm am going to go back to the blog read Gardening~ 8 weeks before my last frost - Weekly Goals  help make my list for the up coming week.
2 Gardening - plant seeds. I have so many seeds to plant an caugh up on. I will spend most likely an hour or to doing it. 
3. Pets- clean cages. I have to clean the two rabbit cage, yes I said two our white bunny is prego. We had to separate them, because the male will eat the babies. Also want to clean out the chicken coop.
4. Warm the house- Today, I'm going to try to run the fire for most of the day. It is so cold here. I can't believe they are calling for more snow.  
5. Fix our blanket- we have a feather blanket (I got 3 for free), and I love them. Honestly if you warm you house with a wood stove these blankets are prefect. They keep you so warm and you don't feel the drop until you have to get out of bed. The only issue we have with them is the fact that the dog jumps on the bed and the blanket rips. Then there are feathers everywhere. Today I'm going to sew it back together.

What are you you doing today?

Yep, Skippers being a bumb too

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Gardening Tip- Don't let Mother Nature Get You Down

30% chance of this storm on Monday 3/17
I know it feel like it never going to end and winter is to last forever. It won't! Winter will come to a end and summer will be here and we will be praying for it to cool off.
So pull out you gardening journal, start you plants inside. This year the growning season going to be short so get started!! 
Get started indoors

Working it off Thursday

My calorie count for last week. I'm trying to lose 1 1/2lbs a week
I did great last week counting my calories, I don't fouce a on the weekend. My body is also getting use to eating less! I'm really excited about. I can eat 1/2 can of soup and yogurt for lunch and be full. I am personal stuggling with the want to get on the scale. I'm scared that, if I didn't lose the weight I will want to quit. I did lose 6lbs in the 1st two weeks. But my pants are losser and I can button pant I couldn't a month ago. Maybe will will let that be for this week and measure and weight myself next week. 

As of last week ........
48 inches around the waist

44lbs to lose in 366 days!!!!!! 

Daily goals- Thursday, March 13, 2014

I couldn't believe how cold it was this morning. My road was covered in ice!! 

Today's Goals
1. Work - I work form 8am- 6pm. 
2. Gardening- Getting my seeds together. I have over 20 different types of seeds to plan. 
3. Workout- set up workout schedule with hubby tonight. We didn't make it to the gym this week. 
4. Family Time- dance party tonight!! I can't wait. 
5. Wedding- Work on save the dates. I have 41 more to make. 

I have a busy afternoon and it's going to be a hard day will the little ones stuck in the house. What are you doing today. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wedding Wednesday- My Mom's Wedding dress

Look at the dress on my Mom I can't wait to wear it!!
          I am so lucky. My Aunt has taking amazing care of her wedding dress and it the one her and my mother got married in. I can remember being little and hang out with her and her showing me the dress and saying I can get married in it. I have deside that I want to. The women that got married in the dress bought have great marriages that have lasted over 30+ years!
I don't think there is anything I want more then to wear the dress my mom married my dad in. Plus it's the same dress my Aunt married my Uncle in. I look at my parent's and my Aunt marriage, the good,  the bad, and the great and see they made it. 
         I have some weight to lose to get into it. (Okay a lot of weight 40lbs, but I have a over a year to work on it) That's what I get for wanting to wear a dress at 30 that someone else wore at 21. 
         I can't wait until the day I walk down the i'll man I want to spend the rest my life with! 367 more days until Our Big Day!!! 

My Mom and her parents on her wedding day! Look at the trail!!! So pretty

Daily goals

Good morning! Has a busy morning here, now calming down and watching my little ones play outside. I am loving this spring tease!

Today's Goals 
1. Work- I work from 8am-6pm. 
2. Shopping- I have to get something for the wedding from Joannes fabric. I also have to stop at giant and work the giant deal for my boss! 
3. Art class - the little man and I are head to art class and lunch at the mall. I love these days!! 
4.Cleaning - I need to get on the dishes. I didn't get to them this morning. 
5. Gym- working out our abs tonight! 

What are you doing today? Are you going to enjoy this spring tease? 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Daily Goals ~ Friday, March 7th, 2014

My day is off because I'm working today and I'm not use to working on Friday. With all the snow we got and the days I have off, I have no problem working. Plus it is a half day, so it will go fast. Right now hubby is playing music, and want me to go dance with.

Today's Goals

  1. Work~ Today I work from 9am-2pm. We have a party to go to at the church, so it will be fast day with the little ones.
  2. Gardening ~ Today I'm hoping to get everything I need together so I can plant tomorrow. This weather hasn't put me in the spring mood. So I'm behind.
  3. Cooking~ I need to bag up chicken and freeze it.
  4. Couponing~ I'm Stopping at the Acme hopeful this morning to grab 18 candy bars, and six bags of veggies for three dollars! I do you have to doublecheck the coupons on the veggies but I'm pretty sure is $.50 off one Witchel doubled to a $1 
What are you doing today?

Working it off Thursday

I have found a workout program that has been working for me. I am doing great! I have lost 6.6lbs. I feel great and my jeans are lose! I'm so happy.

Wohoo I have lost 6.6lbs so far!!

What am I doing? I'm logging what I eat everyday. Yes, it may tae a couple of minutes, but it is so easy with the Lose App. I just scan what I'm eating and it comes up. It is a free download too! Which makes it prefect for me. There are challenges, badges and even a place to make friends! I love it.

I have also been eating soup for lunch everyday. It has helped so much, because I'm saving 150-200 calories a day. I'm like the commercial, I'm one the chicken noddle diet, but some times it is Wedding Soup diet.

 The other thing is drinking water. I now you are told to drink a lot of water when you are losing weight. I personal only thought that was to help you when you workout. Well was I wrong, I drink 8-10 cups a water a day, and I'm not as hungry as I normal would be. It is so nice.

The last thing is going to the gym! Hubby and I have gotten to the gym 3 times a week. It is so nice, to get that time together. He is like my personal trainer (all that military can help somewhere). I have to remind myself the sore is a good feeling the next day. That is the hardest part!

I'm excited to see it coming off and yes I have had a set back over the weekend and did my binge eating this weekend. Hubby business plans went down the drain and it was because I wasn't ok with being a sheep. Man that pie was good. But my friend was right and I got out of the mood, went to the gym and back on track. How are you doing with your workout goals?

Gardening Tip- Chicken Eggs in Winter

I know a lot of people have gotten into having chickens. I know we have. We have for chickens and hoping to get another 6 chicks this May.

My chicken egg on Wednesday morning

Here is my tip for the winter. Check eggs before you put them in the house and before you use them. This winter has been very cold and if you aren't running your hearing lap 24/7 (which we don't, our chicks free range so it would be a waste.) Your eggs can freeze! If they freeze they could crack. Never never eat a crack egg! 

I clean the coop, with in 24 hours I came back and had a crack egg. I just want to share with you. Please becareful, you don't want to get you or your family sick. 

Daily Goals ~ Thursday, March 3rd, 2014

I have been a horrible blogger. One reason is too cold to be in the gardening and another is I have been working on myself. We are doing great here. bunnies have gotten huge, and pregnant. I'm so excited! In less then 2 months we will get our chicks. The cat and dog are doing great.

Today's goal
  1. Work ~ I work from 8am-6pm. It is going to be a long day. I woke up with a headache. I'm thinking we should cook today. Hmmm what should we make??
  2. Workout ~ Today I want to spent 20 mins of my down time on the elliptical at my boss's house. I now hubby and I won't be able to get to the gym tonight. He has to pack for this weekend.
  3. Cleaning ~ Tonight I want to find my gardening book. I'm so lost without it.
  4. Gardening ~ Start to organize the seeds that have to plant this weekend. I now their is a lot more that I have to plant. I can't wait until spring.
  5. Blogging ~ I want to write out and organize a time for at least 30 minutes a day just to blog. I know that doesn't sound like much, but with how busy we have been it is.
What are you doing today?