Friday, May 30, 2014

Gardening - Gardening Tour - Around the Garden Fence

Spring 2014
There is so much going on in the gardens this spring!! 

Left side of the outside of the garden

Around the garden fence, I like to plant climbing veggies. I think it adds a wonderful effect around the garden. Plus it uses an area that might not used other wise. Also the plants and fence work together. They support each other. 
This year I'm working on planting my transplants and weeding the vine that has decide to take over. 

Onions and Rich Sweet melon
I did get the front of the fence weed and planted, well until the chickens decide to eat my seeds. I'm going to pot plant the seeds and transplant in two weeks. Right now I have onion, Rich Sweetness 132 melon on the inside of the front fence, on the right side.  I will plant my zucchini on the outside of the fence once it grows. I do have 3 pots planted next to the garden too. One with strawberries, one asparagus, and the last one grapes. 

Garlic and Apple Melon

On the left side of the front fence I have garlic and apple melon growing. I am so excite to see how the apple melon grows and what it will taste. On the outside of the fence will be the same as the outside of the right. 
Peppers and Tomatoes
I'm working on the right side of the fence I am planting peppers and tomatoes on the inside. I got all 12 of my pepper plants planted. I only got 4 of my tomato plants planted. I have 8 more to go. 
My Garden
I am also working on the inside of the back of the fence. I am planting my wax beans and green beans there. I got my wax beans planted. I planted 24 plants in two weeks I will plant 24 seeds in between so they keep growing throughout the season. I do have to plant green beans still but there is so much vine. I am working on weeding. 

Zinnia and yellow squash
On the left side of the fence. I started to work on the outside of the fence. I planted Zinnias and yellow squash! I have about 6-7 yellow squash plants. Mmmm I can't wait to grill some up! 

Hope you like the tour!! How is your garden coming along? 

Daily Goals ~ Friday, May 30th, 2014

Good morning! I have spend the last hour grossing myself out. I have been looking up spiders. I' not a huge van of spiders, but I will not kill any either. I believe all creatures have a reason. Spiders have one to eat my mosquito. I have been finding them everywhere though. I found a clear on in the garden, and a black and white one in the car. I just want to know more about them. Lucky they won't hurt me!

yellow sac spider
Yellow Sac Spider
Today's Goals
  1. Gardening ~ I want to pull the rest of the weeds around the garden box and plant tomatoes, and green beans.
  2. Gardening ~ I want to weed the rest of the strawberries are and plant the borage.
  3. Gardening ~ Weed the driveway bed and plant onions, okra, and white peppers.
  4. Pets ~ Finish up the Rabbit hutch
  5. House ~ Start to get it clean for Sunday
Jumping Spider
I have a lot to get done today. What are you doing? I hope not wasting your day looking up spiders.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Daily Goals ~ Thursday, May 29th, 2014

Good Morning, Okay you live to close to your neighbors if you can hear their radio alarm clock at 4am! I'm so sleepy and that didn't help. Plus its cold out. Sorry, I'm cranky.

My Beefsteak Tomatoes

Today's Goals
  1. Work ~ I work from 8am to 6pm tonight. I have all the little ones. We are going to make placemats.
  2. Gardening ~ Weed an area in the fence and plant 2 tomato plants. I can't wait to have fresh tomatoes!
  3. Gardening ~ Bring potting soil to work and start to plant more seeds. I still need sunflowers, and zucchini. I am also hoping to plant so more flower plants.
  4. Family time ~ Tonight is my father's Birthday. We are going over for cake and ice cream tonight.
Only 4 goals today. I' not going to be home most of the day. What are your goals today?

Our Little Homestead- More Bunnies!!!

I can't believe that my little homestead grow again!! Ivory had more babies! I don't know how this ones are going to make out though. I had to move them. The cage wasn't clean at all, and she keep moving them trying to find a spot for them. I know, I sound like a horrible owner, but I was plan on clean the cage the day she had them and with them outside most of the time the cage inside wasn't ready for her to give birth.
Plus the fact that there were already 2 parents and 6 babies in the cage. 
I moved the babies into the old cage, and put the new bunnies in a nesting box area. 
I feel like a horrible owner right now. I love my bunnies, and I have to keep up on the cages better. Now I have 3 rabbit hutch to clean!! 
We welcome 8 more babies to the family! Now I wonder if I really should sperate the mom and dad. But they are so attach I'm worried about separating them. 
Do you guys have any advise? Any help would do. 

Food Storages/Couponing - My Weekly Shopping List for 4/26/14

This week I'm working on 2 shopping trips. 

8 jars of Pergo Pasta Sauce  $23.92 ($2.99 each)
Use (4) $.75/2 Prego Italian Sauce Coupons  
Get $24.00 in gas 
8 bottles of aqua-splash $8.00
Get $6.00 in gas  
Pay $24.67
$2.50 catalina
Total: $8.33 moneymaker after gas and catalina

Buy 2 Crest Pro-Health $9.98
 2 ($1.00/1 Crest Pro-Health Mouthwash Printable)
Buy 2 Colgate Toothpaste $5.98
Buy 1 Mars Single $.75
($3.00 off $15.00)
Pay $12.71
Get back: $8 ECB for Crest, $6 ECB for Colgate, and $.75 ECB for Mars
$2.04 moneymaker after coupons 

This week I'm hoping to stock up on tomato sauce and mouth wash. There are several more deals out there. Check out and make your list!

Daily Goals ~ Wednesday, May 28th, 2014

Good morning, Last night was a horrible sleep night. I know I'm having bad dreams, but couldn't figure out what they were. Then this morning I had one where something in a box was attacking me. Lucky hubby woke up in a cuddle good and held me for 15 minutes. Before he had to getting up and going to work.

Today's Goals
  1. Gardening ~ weed one fence piece and plant 4 tomato plants.
  2. Pets ~ Change the Chicks cage around, they are getting to big to stay in the box! I can't believe how big they are getting.
  3. Gardening ~ Plant Zucchini, and some flower plants.
  4. Work ~ I work a very long day today. I work from 8am-8pm.
I'm not giving myself a load of goals, because I will be working most the day. What are you doing today?

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Food Storages/Couponing - My Weekly Shopping List for 4/26/14

This week I'm working on 2 shopping trips. 

8 jars of Pergo Pasta Sauce  $23.92 ($2.99 each)
Use (4) $.75/2 Prego Italian Sauce Coupons  

Get $24.00 in gas 
8 bottles of aqua-splash $8.00
Get $6.00 in gas  
Pay $24.67
$2.50 catalina
Total: $8.33 moneymaker after gas and catalina

Buy 2 Crest Pro-Health $9.98
 2 ($1.00/1 Crest Pro-Health Mouthwash Printable)
Buy 2 Colgate Toothpaste $5.98
Buy 1 Mars Single $.75
($3.00 off $15.00)
Pay $12.71
Get back: $8 ECB for Crest, $6 ECB for Colgate, and $.75 ECB for Mars
$2.04 moneymaker after coupons 

This week I'm hoping to stock up on tomato sauce and mouth wash. There are several more deals out there. Check out and make your list!

Gardening - 1st Week After My Last Frost - Pallet Beds

I have been following 100 dollars a week and love her idea for pallet bed gardening. Using pallets have made easier for me to expand my gardening without costing a lot. 

It wasn't hard to get them ready! All I did was add the dirt and then the seedings. I have decided to try my beans in them first. 
As of now, I'm not planning the pallet beds as raised beds. The reason being I only add 80 pounds of dirt. I'm thinking next year there will be a lot more dirt and they will be planted as raised beds. 
I also only have 2 beds planted as of now. I planted my kidney beans and Lima bean in them. I will use another one for Brussels sprouts. Then in August I will start my fall crops of lettuce and cabbage in them. 
I'm so excite to see how they work! Have you ever used pallet garden? 

Gardening ~ 2nd Week After Last Frost 2014 - Weekly Goal

       I know this is getting posted late, but I took the weekend off and enjoy some time in the garden and the holiday with my family. Most of this week will be catching up on getting my transplant plant. There are still a few plans that I need to get planted in pot and planted back outside.

My Busy Garden
Weekly Goals
  1. Weeding - Weed a garden box for 10 minutes a day  This give me a chance to keep up on the weeds.
  2. Seeds - I need to still plant Brussels sprouts, sunflowers, and zucchinis into pot. I was planning to plant them right into the garden but the chicks keep digging up the plants. 
  3. Transplants- I want to work on transplanting my seedlings into the garden. I have several plants to into the garden box, this might take a little while. I really wanted to get the Borage, the tomatoes, and okra into the garden boxes this week! 
  4. Garden box 4 - I want to add dirt plant the wheat and Brussels spouts. 
  5. Driving Garden box - I need to clean up the daffodil leaves and plant everything that I want to go into the boxes. I'm thinking onions, okra, white peppers, and beets. 

There's so much going on this week and not much time to get it done.  I feel like I'm so behind. How are you doing in your garden? 

Daily goals - Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Good morning! Hope you had a wonderful Holiday weekend. I did I got a lot of things done around the house!

My Helper!! 
Today's goals 

  1. Garden - plant rest of pepper plants. I have decide that 12 plants will be more than enough this year. 
  2. Work - I work from 8am-6pm. I have all the little ones!
  3. Pet - clean the rabbit cage. I can't believe what I found this morning. New bunnies. Round two has started before I could even sell round one. 
  4.  Help hubby - hubby has so many projects going on so I want to help him tonight with them.
  5. Cleaning - work on cleaning the house today. Today is cleaning the mudroom. 
What are you doing today? Any gardening plans before the rain comes? 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Gardening tip - Using Clovers As Live Mulch

When weed out your garden, make sure you leave the good weeds!

I keep my clover

I leave white clover in my garden bed for many reasons. 
  • One reason is they work as a live mulch. They help keep bad weeds out. They also help shade the soil which will help keep it moist. 
  • Another reason is they are health for you. You can take them you get over a cold faster. There are many other Health Benefits from them. 
  • One of the best reason I keep them in my garden box is the attract good bugs, like bees. 
  • They also fix nitrogen in the soil. They add it to the soil. 
  • They last reason and one you will here a lot about is my bunnies will eat it. They love clovers! This will be another crop that I will harvest mainly to feed the bunnies. 

What plants do you think are weed but you keep them anyway and why? 

Daily goals- Thursday, May 22, 2014

It's been as mornings already. I do want to go to bed so I got up late. Then fell down the steps and landed on chicken poop. Ugh, can I go back to bed and restart the day?

It's BACK!! Leave Curl strikes again!

Today's Goal
  1. Make it though the day without going back to bed!
  2. Work ~ I work from 8a-6pm
  3. Gardening ~ Weed for 10 minutes
  4. Gardening ~ See if hubby can help me get the pallets ready for the pallet garden
I' not giving myself 5 goals because getting the garden going will take up most of the night. I am happy, that it is supposed to stop raining by 7pm. What are you doing today?

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Homestead living- Rabbits

Exploring the outside rabbit hutch

Whether it's watching them outside explore their new rabbit hutch, where them inside eating dandelions for dinner. I never thought I would love these little buddies as much as I do. Four more weeks they go up for sale or any more they become dinner. It's so sad but that's the way life on a homestead. 

Having dandelions for dinner

Gardening - 1st Week After Last Frost - Weeding a Garden Box Daily

I started My 1stWeek After Frost Goals, weed a garden bed daily.

My Garden Box 2 - potatoes, horsradish, and radish

This goal is very important Goal for me as a part time gardener. I have to be able to keep up with the weeds before they take over. Also by doing it for 10 minutes a day, then I can focus on bigger projects on the weekend. 
How do you keep up on your weeds? Do you break it up or do it all at once? 

Food Storage/Couponing - Target Deals for May 18th - 24th

This week is a great week to make some money! You spend $9 out of pocket then leave with $13 in gift cards and product!

I would do 2 transactions! 

Transaction 1 
3 Swiffer Dusters starter kits $14.97
      3($2/1)                            -$6.00
                  Pay $8.79

Get $10 back in gift cards!

Transaction 2 
2 Dr. Scholl's ball                 $10.97
      2($2.50/1)TG 2($2/1)P     $9.00
Use gift card for above $1.97
         Have $8.03 on the gift card
             Get another gift card for $5.00
End up with $13.03, and over $4.00

You can find the coupons links on 

What are you getting this week? How is your food storage stockpile? 

Daily Goals - Wednesday, May 21st, 2014

Busy morning for me!!! I had to get up and get my little one and hubby out the door for their New York Field trip. They have a busy day. Then tried to stay on track of my morning schedule. I have to add 5 more minutes to feeding pets because the chicks are a hot mess in the morning. 

My Jelly Melon Kiwano
Today's Goals
  1. Work- I work from 8-6 today. 
  2. Garden - I hoping the rain goes away or is light so I can started with my pallet beds. I would love to get one set up and plant some of the Lima beans. 
  3. Kid Kroner - work on organizing it still I got two bin organized. I would like to work on the bigger bin today. 
  4. Coupons - I want to look at the adds and plan my trips. 
  5. Couponing - work on organizing my coupons! 
I can't believe it's is so late already!! I have a feeling it is going to be a long day. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Daily Goals - Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

Good morning! I had a busy morning. We had people over last night, therefore I had serval dishes to clean. It took longer than I wanted. Plus the rest of my morning chores, still had to get done. I even had a chance to take the dog for a walk. He loved it, even though it was only 10mins. 

My Cucumber Seeding planted in garden 
Today's Goals
  1. Wake up - The first goal of the day was to wake up early and get the day going! I hope by the end of the week, I'm up and out of bed by 5am. 
  2. Work - Today I work from 8:00am until 6pm. 
  3. Kids Kroner - I need to get the art supplies cleaned up and organized for summer. We have many fun project this summer!
  4. Church - Tonight is our Servies Project! I'm so excited to help out. 
  5. Gardening - I hoping to research on lemon trees. I'm so excited to learn as much as possible because Hubby bought me one!! 
Today is going to be a busy and long day.  What are you doing today? 

Gardening - 1st week After Last Frost 2014 - Weekly Goals

 This week is going to be a busy week! I have so many seedling to transplant into the garden. It still very cold in the morning so it hard to get out before work.
My gardening is starting to expand


Weekly Gardening Goals
  1. Expand the Garden- My Girls decide to eat my pea seedlings. I decided that doing the pallets gardens outside the fence was a horrible idea. 
  2. Plant Garden Bed 4 - This bed is going to have wheat planted in it. I will also plant some Brusel Spouts in it for the little one. 
  3.  Pallet beds - I want to plant my all my bean plants that are growing fast. 
  4. Weeding - this week starts the daily weeding a garden box a day! It is the only way I know how to keep up on all the weeds!! 
  5.  Seeds - I'm going to plant some more sunflower seeds in the pots. That way I can transplant them in the garden when they are a little bigger. This time I'm doing little sunflowers like Aprocite sunflowers and icing sunflowers. 

What are you doing this week in the garden? What do you have planted already? 

Gardening - Tips on Broccoli

If you have room in your garden, you should give broccoli a chance!

Thank you for the picture
Here are my favorite five tips on broccoli
  1. Broccoli thrives in cold weather. 
  2. Broccoli is a cold weather crop which means it can be planted twice. Once in the spring and again in the fall.
  3. Broccoli taste best when it's harvest first thing in the morning. 
  4. If broccoli is stored correctly it can last a year in the freezer. 
  5. Milk and broccoli have the same calcium ratio. 
Did you plant broccoli in your garden this year? I didn't get time to do a spring crop but hoping to do a fall crop a broccoli. 

Daily Goals - Monday, May 19th, 2014

Good Morning, I know I was MIA this weekend. We decided to go camping for hubby's Birthday Weekend. We had a blast! I am really lucky to have such an amazing family. I also got our chicks this weekend. We got 5 Rhone Island Red Chickens that are about a week old. I'm so excited. Our Little Home Stead is growing. How was your weekend?

 5 Rhode Island Red Chicks

Today's Goals
  1. Cooking~ I'm making Hubby's Birthday Cake! This is the 1st time in 7 years I am asked to make his cake.
  2. Gardening ~ Start one pallet and plant my peas. I am hoping I still get some the chickens ate all my seedlings.
  3. Cooking ~ Plan the weekly menu, I have to figure out what Hubby wants for dinner first though.
  4. Cleaning ~ I have to clean up the house today. My family is coming over for cake and ice cream tonight.
  5. Hubby Time ~ All hubby has asked for is to go riding today! I can't wait!
What do you have planed for the day? How is your gardening coming along?

Rabbits - Week one with My New Zealand Baby Bunnies

week and half old White New Zealand bunny

I can't believe my baby bunnies are already a week old. They are so cute. This age, nobody other than I are picking up the bunnies just because mommy is not okay with other people even looking into her cage. So I'm sorry the pictures that little blurry but I'm really wanting him and holding a baby taking pictures not that easy. 
It is really need to watch the bunnies and watch them grow. Also found out a lot anything. One is that a mommy bunny only feeds the babies once a day. Her milk is so rich that it'll fill them up all day. 
I didn't separate my male and female bunny. The mail doesn't seem to really care about the baby bunnies and doesn't even really go where thereat so I feel it there safe. When I did separate them he was very depressed so I didn't want to risk his health when he's not messing with the bunnies. My bunnies were only separate for an hour if that. 

Little Black Baby Bunny
I still take mom and dad out for an hour or two a day and put them into the new pen and let them hop around. I feel like the bunnies still need the exercise I need that running around space. I also want to get them used to the new hutch so that when the baby bunnies are a little bigger we can put them all outside. 
Little White Baby Bunny
I am so excited to watch my little homestead grow! Even though these bunnies are adorable I do still realize that we are planning on eating them as a healthier organic substitute for the meat that we now. I keep reminding everyone and my little one that we got these bunnies to give them a better life than what the animals we eat now are living. These animals won't be trapped to where they can't move and will know what love is fresh food and being with the family.

Daily Goals - Thursday, May 15th, 2014

Good morning, everyone is crying that the are so hungry! It's driving me bananas!!

Last weeks Groceries $0.08

Today's Goals
  1. Work- today's last day at work. I work from eight until six tonight. 
  2. Reading - finish my book and write review on it. 
  3. Stockpile/Couponing - organize my coupon list for Friday shopping trip. 
  4. Gardening - work on my fire pit garden box. I would love to weeded out and plan my daylilies in it. 
  5. Family time- think tonight would be nice night for the hot tub and fire night tonight, if Hubby's up for it. 
What are you doing today?

Gardening - What are garlic Scraps

Garlic Scraps
I posted in April's Harvest about Garlic Scraps. I had a few people ask me what Garlic scraps are and what do I use them for. 

What are garlic scraps? 
They are the top of the garlic plant. They have a light garlic taste and can be harvest from the time you see them until your harvest your garlic. Harvest the top of the garlic is good for your garlic bulbs, because it make the plant focus on growing the bulb. 

What do I use them for? 
I use them to cook with. I will substitute them in for garlic. This is very useful because most of my garlic from last year is gone. Hubby also likes this,because he isn't a huge garlic fan and it has a mild taste.  

Have you ever used garlic scraps? Do you have a favorite recipe for it? 

Daily Goals - Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

Good morning ! I was going through my pictures last night so sad this time year harvesting so many fruits out of the garden already.

Last year spring Harvest I can't wait

Today's Goals
  1. Work - today I work from 8 AM until 6 PM. 
  2. Reading- I'm starting my new book today the third book in the series divergent. It's called "Allegiant"
  3. Gardening - I really need to get my Rubart into the ground tonight! I don't want to lose it. 
  4. Gardening - really want to get my other cherry tree bushes into the ground tonight too. 
  5. Cooking - tonight I'm making glazed porkchops and it sounded so good. 
I didn't do well on my goals yesterday. After getting home and eating dinner hubby and I took the bike out. It was nice we went to a local park and walked a mile.