Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Daily Goals~ Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

Ugh woke up still so upset with my future sister-in-law and brother. I know there is nothing I can do about them, and praying God gives me the strength to just let it go. I did horrible last night with my goals, and I learned I should just turn off the phone. At least hubby didn’t hate me, he should have though.

My cucumber
Today’s Goals

1.     Work~ I work from 8am-6pm.

2.    Finance~ Pay Bills

3.    Wedding ~ Explain wedding Information with you guys

4.    Gardening ~ Plant the eggplant plant for my boss

Yesterday’s goals

1.     Work~ I work from 8-6 today. I have all three, this afternoon might be busy. Working on farm animals this week. – the kids we awesome!

2.    Gym~ I need together there. Hoping that if hubby makes dinner before I get home we can get there. Yes! Hubby is cooking tonight, I’m so lucky! ~ I didn’t get out of work until 6:30pm buy the time I got home wasn’t I the mood to go to the gym

3.    Gardening~ work on my cucumber goal “Cucumber - I have two goals with them this week, one is to reroute them. I also want to check on them and make sure they don't have striped cucumber beetles on them”~ I checked them, not beetles, just stupid ants on them! Ants are everywhere!!!!

4.    Cleaning- finish cleaning half the kitchen and start to organize the cabinets. ~ to upset to do this last night

5.    Gardening ~ Plant the eggplant plant for my boss- I forgot the plant at home! Ugh one day

My peas

I don’t have 5 goals today. I am just in a bad mood and so mad. I don’t want to push myself and get mad at myself. I know I need to let it go and I will be working on that today.

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