Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Book review- The Accidental Farmers [Kindle Edition] T. Young (Author)

Thank you Amazon for the picture 

I finished my book today! I loved "The Accidental Farmers " T. Young. This book is not on book about how this amazing people left their life and became framers. It is full with so much information on animals and how they raised them. This book make me believe anyone can do this. One day I would love to visit Nature's Harmony Farm. This book is filled with information on may useful farming books. 
This book is $4.95 and I would tell anyone that is thing of Farming to read it. Tim and his wife Liz is an inspiration to me! Thank you for all the information and quotes! 


  1. Missy, most of what they describe in that book they no longer do; I'd take a close look at the "most helpful" reviews of this book on amazon. They're written by other, experienced farmers, and they are 100% negative about the animal husbandry practices described in this book.
    There are books about farming or going from the city to the country that are quite good, and useful. This one, not so much.

    Try just about any book by Joel Salatin, for instance.

  2. Bruce King- what don't you agree with in this book? I understand that some people might not agree with letting the animal die doe natural selection to happen, but truly it happens in nature all the time?
    I know the reality is hard to hear, and had to be hard to do. Yes I read that it didn't work as well as they wanted and that way they are making cheese.
    I do true believe that we should let the animals be animals and use change to them then them change to us.

  3. They had animals that they could have saved and instead chose to watch them die. The animals were dying when folks were telling them (on their blog, for instance) that they could easily save them.

    They had some crazy idea that feeding chickens half of what they needed to survive would "help them forage". Slow starvation isn't something that I'd like to see promoted as a great farming practice.

    They had the idea that treating animals for worms or parasites would somehow be a sin, and watch as their sheep suffered and died over time.

    They mixed flocks of chickens from different sources without any quarantine period or even simple vaccinations and watched as hundreds of chickens died.

    They watched the eyes pop out of their turkeys heads (blackhead disease) because they mixed infected chickens and turkeys together.

    They purchased a bunch of cows and abruptly changed their diet and watched as they died, too.

    That's why I don't agree with this book. In my opinion the animal husbandry promoted here is a complete disaster.

    It's not that it "...didn't work as well as they wanted", they basically shut down their entire operation and switched to something else -- cheese.

    Tim wrote a blog entry about how cruel it was that male chickens were killed by hatcheries, but won't talk about what he does with his male jersey calves.

    This guy talks a lot about transparency, but when it comes down to it, when people take a good look at his practices, particularly other farmers, there's quite a few of them that don't like his operation at all.
