Monday, December 30, 2013

Daily Goal - Monday, December 30th, 2013

Good Morning! I can't believe the end of the Year is in one day! Today, is going to busy computer day today. I have a lot of thinking and writing to do. What are you doing today?

Daily Goals
  1. Bills ~ Today I'm going to look at my bills and pay the rest that are due this year and then plan out next year money goals. This is hard because I don't see hubby and I getting raises. But we have a lot to save for.
  2. New Year's Revolutions ~ I do this every year and try hard to stick to them. Some  do and some I don't. But it lets me see what I'm working toward and how to get there.
  3. Taxes ~ the next few day's, I'm going to work on getting my business taxes together and ready. That way hubby and I can go though everything and get them filed. I like to have my taxes filed asap.
  4. Keep Up on the fire ~ It is suppose to get cold and we could get a huge storm after the New Year, so I want to make sure the house is nice and warm.
  5. Cleaning ~ We have been very good on keeping the house up, I want to continue that.
What are your goals today? Are you starting to write you New Years goals?

Gardening - 27 Weeks After my last frost ~Weekly Goals

My book
Week-by-Week Vegetable Gardener’s Handbook, Is still helping me figure out what 'm suppose to be doing in the gardening. I love this book, because it is so organized!

Weekly Goals
  1. Planning Garden ~ Plan garden Box 4, this is the last gardening box in my vegetable garden. It might not be the last thing holding veggies! I have an idea  want to try this year.
  2. Start to organize and clean growing pots ~ my garden tool are a mess.
  3. plant herbs in door ~ this goal is a little hard because I can't seem to keep the plans living inside. I just don't understand why.
  4. Research ~ This week I'm going to work on research Alyssum and Potatoes. Join me on Facebook at Pa Gardeners to see what I find!
A lot of the work is researching my different plants so I know more about them. What are you doing in our gardening? Are you getting ready for next spring yet?

Daily Goals - Monday, December 23, 2013

Good morning! count down to Christmas is going! 2 more days, the little ones are so excited! It is a rainy yuck day and suppose to get cold! They are calling for snow tomorrow. We might have a white Christmas. 

Daily Goals
1. Work- I work from 8-5 today. My last day of work until the new year. I have many plans for the new year!
2. Cooking - write my menu for this week, print it out and stick to it.
3. Kids Knore- have the kids put the gifts into the gift bags and get them ready for the parents! 
4. Christmas-  finish wrapping Christmas gift
5. Gardening- write my weekly gardening goals.

What are you doing today are you stuck inside because of the rain? Let me know

Gardening- Planning Garden Box 2 for 2014

My plan

Garden Box 2
Dinner (2013)
        This is my hubby's favorite garden box. This year garden box 2 will hold my potatoes. I started growing potatoes three years ago. I love having potatoes and regarding a taste so much better when they're picked fresh! I still haven't learned all the tricks of them but every year I seem to grow more potatoes. I seem to do best with Yukon potatoes and the purple ones. 
Harvesting Potato 2013
       I love growing potatoes in my garden box because they break up the soil I have clay soil around where I live so anything that breaks them up is a huge help. I have also realized that when I grew potatoes I add a lot of dirt to the garden box to keep the potatoes covered. This helps me keep soil in the garden boxes and have fresh new topsoil every four years.  
Potato Bed 2012
      The first year I grew potatoes I covered them with hay. The potatoes grew okay, because I used hay there's a huge mess. There was hay all over my garden. The hay also left seeds all over my garden. I am still weeding hay this year. Last year, I used dirt to cover the potatoes potato. The potatoes seem to grow a lot better and my harvest was a lot more than the first year. I decided that I'm going to use dirt again this year to cover the potatoes. 
Potato Bed 2013 
       The only thing I'm doing different this year from last is I am going to add companion plants to my potato garden box. You can read why I am adding companion plants  to make garden box on my blog, Gardening tips - plant companion plants together. I have done a lot of research on which companion plants are better supplant with potatoes. The four plants that I am going to plant with my potato are horseradish, alyssum, lovage and radishes. 
Horseradish ~ Thank you Armoracia rusticana Horseradish
       Horseradish is thought to be a great companion plants potatoes because of it's strong scent. This set has been known to deter potato bugs. I am also very excited for this news because I've wanted to plant horseradish in my garden but never had a spot to plant it. Throughout the research on horseradish, I will plant it in my garden box around May 10.
Alyssum ~ Thank you
       Alyssum are pretty little white flowers that will act like a life mulch for my potato plants. The flowers will attract helpful bugs to the garden box. This will be a huge help because last year I had ant farming my aphid. Therefore the aphids destroyed a lot of my potato plant. Hopefully by having more helpful bugs being drawn to my plants this will help the aphid problem that I had last year. I am hoping to start planting my alyssum inside around March 14. 
Loveage ~ Thank you
       I have been dying to add lovage to my garden. Lovage it has been around for many years and you can find it a lot of the older garden plans. Back in the older days the settlers would use the lovage as a winter salad. While researching my companion plants or potatoes I came across lovage. I was so excited, because I have the seed and have been trying to figure out where to plant them and now I have a perfect spot! Love is a that is supposed to taste like celery. Planning it next to the potatoes it is suppose to help with the flavor of potatoes. It also is a good place for helpful bugs to hide. I am planning to start planting my lovage inside around March 7.
Chinese Red Meat
Chinese Red Meat Radish ~ Thank you
      Radishes are a plant that should be interplanted with potatoes. The reason gardeners do that is because they are fast growing crops and have shortly. The crop will be done growing,  before the potatoes are even near being ready to be harvest. The roots are so shallow and thin, that they will not hurt the growth of the potatoes. The reason gardeners would do this is so that they can get two crops out of one area. This allows them to grow more food. My radishes will start to be planted outside around April 11.
What are you planning on garden? Let me know, here are some more of my ideas.
Planning my 2014 Garden

Daily goals- Saturday, December 21, 2013

    So many Christmas things still left the to do. And I just don't have the holiday spirit. It's sad because normally I'm so excited for this Christmas is going to be that fun. Nobody will be home Christmas morning then it'll be so much running around on Christmas Day. I still don't know when my little ones going to get to open her Christmas gifts. 
Today's Goals
1.       Wrap Christmas presents-  today am hoping to get everybody's Christmas guess wrapped and put under the tree. 
2.       Cleaning- clean the mud room and decorated for Christmas
3.       Running the fire- I need to make sure the fire is running all day long so the house stays warm. 
4.       Dog- take him out for a walk and have some exercise. 
5.       Gardening ~ Replant my rosemary plant
Yesterday's Goals

1.      Pay the Bills ~ I hate Fridays because it is the day of the week I sit down, and realize we are poor. One day we won't be, but as of now we are. - all the bills that can be paid are paid if you more left to go this month and everything is paid off.
2.      Make Calls ~ I have to call the wood guy and see what he price of wood is. I also have to call one of our sites, because I locked myself out.- I called the places was little disappointed in my wake I was out of wood and I couldn't unlock my site. 
3.      Errands ~ I have to run to the bank, my mom's house, and the store.- I had fun hanging out with my mom's house and I hit the stores. 
4.      Cleaning~ clean the living-room and hang up the stockings.- I got to clean a little bit of living room but not much I spent a lot of time at my mom's. 
5.      Gardening ~ Replant my rosemary plant. - I didn't get to because by the time I got home it was time to cook dinner. 
I got some of my stuff done but not all of it. I am hoping to be able to get everything done today. What are your goals for today what are your plans for this weekend?

Daily Goals ~ Friday, December 20, 2013

 I have off work today. I wasn't planning that. It is nice though. It gives me a little extra time to get everything together. I still have many gifts to wrap, and find. I also have a lot of stuff to do that I was trying to put into a few days. Its nice to have time to take my time.

Mmm our cookies!
Today's Goals
  1. Pay the Bills ~ I hate Fridays because it is the day of the week I sit down, and realize we are poor. One day we won't be, but as of now we are.
  2. Make Calls ~ I have to call the wood guy and see what he price of wood is. I also have to call one of our sites, because I locked myself out.
  3. Errands ~ I have to run to the bank, my mom's house, and the store.
  4. Cleaning~ clean the living-room and hang up the stockings.
  5. Gardening ~ Replant my rosemary plant
This are so cute!
Yesterday's Goals

  1. 1. Work ~ I work from 8am-6pm. I'm excited because today we are going to work on our Christmas Gifts. ~ It was a great day! I love my job!
  2.  Cooking ~ We are going to cut our sugar dough and make cookies today! MMMmmm. ~ the little ones had a blast! IT was so much fun!
  3. Kids Kroner ~ We made our Christmas Gift Bags on Tuesday. They are so cute. Today we are going to make the Christmas ball that goes into it. I cant wait! ~ They came out amazing!
  4. Clean up ~ Tonight before I go to bed, I want to get all the wash folded that is upstairs. I have so much wash to fold. (everything clean). ~ I didn't get to that.
  5. Gardening ~ Work on my Garden box 3 plans. I haven't gotten to they yet.~ I'm so excited! Just wait until you see the plans
Yesterday was an awesome day! I had a blast at work! I love my little ones! This time of year is so much fun. How did you day go yesterday, do you have anything planed for today?

Daily Goals ~ Thursday, December 19th, 2013

Christmas Tree 2013
Took yesterday off from blogging and watch Christmas movies most of the day with hubby, then we decorated the tree, and went around the neighborhood and looked at Christmas lights. It was a wonderful day! Now I have to go back to work.

Today's Goals
  1. 1. Work ~ I work from 8am-6pm. I'm excited because today we are going to work on our Christmas Gifts.
  2.  Cooking ~ We are going to cut our sugar dough and make cookies today! MMMmmm
  3. Kids Kroner ~ We made our Christmas Gift Bags on Tuesday. They are so cute. Today we are going to make the Christmas ball that goes into it. I cant wait!
  4. Clean up ~ Tonight before I go to bed, I want to get all the wash folded that is upstairs. I have so much wash to fold. (everything clean)
  5. Gardening ~ Work on my Garden box 3 plans. I haven't gotten to they yet.
What are you doing today?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Weekly Goals - December 17th -24th, 2013

This week I have a lot of Christmas preparation to do. I love this time of year, but just haven't really been into it. I don't really know why, but I have together out of this mood. Hope you love to hear about our Christmas fun!

Weekly Goals

  1.  Make cookies- I love Christmas cookies! I love to eat them and give them out as little gift to the Aunts that I really can't afford gifts for. It just a little treat to say I was thinking of you.
  2. Wrap gifts- I finished buying my Christmas gifts a month ago, but haven't wrapped them. 
  3. Christmas Tree- I have a tree and cleaned out an area to put it. I haven't put it up though. Hoping to get that done this week.
  4. Christmas crafts- this is such a fun week for crafts. I have so many planned for the little ones! 
  5. Read- I'm going to read '21 Days to a  Simple Christmas' by Crystal Paine and join 21 Days to a Simple Christmas
  6. Clean the house- I have most of the house picked up, but I want it to look awesome in pictures.
  7. Workout - I want to hit the gym or do 1/2 hour video work at least 3 times this week. 
  8. Gardening - work on 25 Weeks After Last Frost Gardening Goals
  9. Gardening - plan what I want to do in my Garden Box 3. 
  10. Take a day off and just enjoy the season. I will be rushing around like. Crazy, I don't want to miss anything.
This week is full of fun holiday join! Because of that there is so much to do. I want to enjoy it but not over do it. Hope you have an awesome week planned! Let me know about it!

Daily Goals - Tuesday, December 17, 2013

It's snowing again! I can't believe how much snow we are getting so far this year. I love looking at the snow, but don't like being in it or driving in it. I had to this morning because for suck because I had to get up an hour earlier to get on the road an hour earlier. I like to give myself a lot of time.

Today's Goals

  1. Work - I work today from 7:30-6pm.  It's going to be a long day because I am sleepy, and got here at 7am. I have some fun projects for the kids to do and I hoping to make cookies. 
  2. Get a fire going- I let the house with a little heater on, I hate doing that but I didn't get to start a fire and the house was already at 66'. I was worried about the pets.
  3. Christmas stuff- I want to start to go though it tonight. I didn't get to last night.
  4. Set my weekly goals- I haven't written them down a lot lately. I need to work on that. 

Yesterday's Goals
  1. Work ~ I work 9-2 today. This works great, because the little one has preschool, therefore the baby and I have time to shop to get there Christmas gifts for the parents, Don't know what I'm doing yet, but it should be fun. - it was a nice day! We even got a Christmas project in.
  2. Clean up ~ My little one won't clean her room, so hubby and I cleaned it. Great idea right? Take the stuff she has on the floor and out of place and make her earn it back. Yeah one question with that, where do I put her stuff? - we decide to visit my mom. I was therefore awhile.
  3. Christmas~ Tonight  want to get the decorations up. We haven't done much around the house because we didn't have the little one to help. - didn't get to. 
  4. Cooking ~ Today starts the 7 days of cookies! Everyday from now until next Monday I want to make a different type of cookies. I love making Cookies because this gives us something little to give. This year we are very tight on money little gift to give to people is a huge help. - didn't get to
  5. Workout ~ I want to hit the gym today. This way I get there!- didn't get to
  • I didn't get most of my goals done yesterday, because my little one and I went to visit my mom who got out of the hospital on Sunday. So most of my after work plans were put off. 

Gardening Tips - Use a Notebook to Plan Garden

My gardening Journal

Another reason is to know when things are planted. Like in March, I need to plant 86 pea plants indoors. Then in April, I need to plant 86 more outside. Having it written down, helps me keep track of what I need to plant and when.
        Having a notebook also will let me know, when to harvest my plants. Like my peppers, if I start them on March 14th, I should be able to harvest them around May 20th to June 9th. This is great to information to know. I can start to plan my menu around the food that is coming out of the garden.
         I use a binder, so I have an area to write what I need to buy. I normal call this my dream list. I have a huge one. It is great though, because it shows me what I want to work for. Having a list will help you know what you want to buy, therefore you don't go in a store and come out with 10 different seeds that aren't on your list and you don't have anywhere to plant them. ( I have done this several times.)
      The last reason, I'm using a binder is that it will help me save my seeds. This year’s goal is to start to save seeds. There will be a spot in the binder for all the information on the seeds, I plant. That will tells what they are and their detail of each seed. This spot will grow with information on how the plant grows for me, when to start it. This will be important because I grow Survival Essential ~ Squash, Dark Green Zucchini for 10 years by harvesting my heirloom seeds and replanting them. I will most likely forget where I got it from. Causing me to have to replace the seeds, because they spoiled on year, I can look it up. I won't be without the Zucchini plant I love.
There are many ways to keep Journals, I use paper and pen, then put it on my Gardening App. I also use this blog as my journal. This way I have many forms of a journal to help me grow my garden every year!
How do you keep track of your garden?

Cooking ~ Meal Plan for 12/16/2013 - 12/22/2013

Mini Chicken Pot Pie
Mash Potatoes
Mix Veggies
Bagel With Cream Cheese
Peanut Butter And Jelly
Chicken Enchiladas
White/brown Rice
Grilled Cheese
Tomato Soup
Hamburger Helper
Scramble Eggs
Chicken Nuggets
Red Pepper
Beef Stew
Roast Over Mash Potatoes
Having a menu helps my family and I know what's for dinner and not eat out as much. Yes there are day's we change the menu, but having what we need to cook in the house makes it easier. What are you doing for dinner this week?