Daily Goals - Wednesday, August 6th, 2014

      Good morning. Up early making smoothie for Hubby to take to work. Apparently, we have ants in the sink! I'm so fustrated. I can't stand ants. They decided to go after the dishes in the sink. Hopefully, they will see nothing in the sink and move on. 

Mmmm I loving fresh Peaches
Today's Goals 
  1. Work- I work today from 8am-6pm. We have a busy day planned! 
  2. Gardening - I want to weed the rest of the Garden Box 3. 
  3. Gardening - try to figure out my mothers password for the seed company. Only she would forget it. 
  4. Shopping - my best friends wants me to bring veggies to her wedding. So I have to stop and buy at the fruit stand. 
  5. Wedding Wensday - look for information on the catering place that I liked. I know I put it in a notebook but I can't find it. 
Yesterday's Goals
  1. Work- I work from 8am-6pm. ~ I got done on time. It was nice.
  2. Personal Goal - write and post my 10 Goals this week. ~ I didn't get to this.
  3. Workout- get an abs workout it into even if it's 5 minutes. I need to get something in. ~ I didn't feel like doing this yesterday, luckily I ask hubby to push me to get it done. He did so I did it!
  4. Gardening- I get to look at my seed catalog again!!! I know sounds crazy. My mom said if I want seeds for Christmas to give her my list, that way I can get more because they are on sale!! ~ I picked out the seeds I want. Now I have to send her a wish list.
  5. Gardening- finish up weeding garden box 3 so I can plant my peas!! I can't wait! ~ Nope didn't get to this. I was in a lazy mode last night.

What are you doing today? 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Gardening ~ 12 Week After the Last Frost 2014 ~ Garden Bed 4

Garden Bed 4 ~ finished and ready for planting
      I start this week with my biggest Gardening ~12 Week After the Last Frost - Weekly Goals my Garden Box 4. I'm going to plan fall crop in this garden bed. This gardening box is going to be half broccoli and half cauliflower. 

What it Looked like before I finishes it

     I started on this bed on Thursday morning. It was over grown and empty. I never got around to planting my wheat in it. My spring and summer were super busy this year. Luckily I will be able to plant Fall crops and get more out of my area

Bye- Bye weeds

     I took the time to weed it. Then I handed tilled it. The bunnies love when I leave the garden! All the weeds go to them. 

Rabbit Dropping to help fertilize the bed

     I do though make out the best because then I use their droppings as fertilizer. Because the grass and weeds are now rabbit droppings, it is easier to finalize the garden bed with them. I am not waiting for the grass to decompose I just letting the water wash the little pellets into fertilize. 

Top soil to add some rich soil to the box
     After watching and finalizing my garden beds I always had a bag of topsoil. I do this to replace any dirt that has been washed away or pulled away when I'm weeding. Plus it adds rich dark soil to my garden bed. 

     I completed my gardening weekly goal of garden box four. I read it fertilize and got the bed ready for planting! 

     How's your garden coming? Do you have any gardening goals for this week? 

Daily Goals - Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

     Good morning, running behind as normal. I didn't get to bed until 12am. Have already feed everyone and made coffee. Hubby up early too. Skipper thought it would be nice to get him up, because Mommy didn't take him for a walk. 

My Rich Sweetness 132 melon

Today's Goals 
  1. Work- I work from 8am-6pm. P
  2. Personal Goal - write and post my 10 Goals this week. 
  3. Workout- get an abs workout it into even if it's 5 minutes. I need to get something in. 
  4. Gardening- I get to look at my seed catalog again!!! I know sounds crazy. My mom said if I want seeds for Christmas to give her my list, that way I can get more because they are on sale!! 
  5. Gardening- finish up weeding garden box 3 so I can plant my peas!! I can't wait! 
  1. Work - I would today from 8am - 6pm. It just me and the little ones today! I do though need to hit the post office. Which they love to go too.  ~ We ended up not hitting the post office, but we did go shopping. It was nice to get out of the house.
  2. Cooking - I need to plan the weekly menu and stick to it. Starting with dinner tonight. ~ I did make my menu for the week,  Cooking - Meal Plan for 08/04/2014 - 08/10/2014, It is all THM. The food taste great.
  3. Gardening - work on clearing out the pallet beds. I have 3 that I didn't fill this year, I'm going to use 2 for peas for fall harvest!! ~ I ended up working on a different bed for my peas.
  4. Gardening - Post on Pa Gardeners about how to win seeds for me! At 12pm, there will be a post on how to win seeds!! Come back and check it out and get ready for your fall garden.  ~ The post went up at noon but you have all week to join the Giveaway! Gardening- Win seeds!!

What are you doing today? Do you have a busy day? 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Cooking - Meal Plan for 08/04/2014 - 08/10/2014

My Brownie Batter Overnight Oatmeal

snacksCoffee With Protien
breakfast(THM-E) Brownie Batter Overnight Oatmeal
lunch(THM-S) Egg roll In An Bowl
dinnerTaco Chicken- crockpot
dinnerTossed Salad
Mmm my omelette from last week
snacksCoffee With Protein 
breakfast(THM-S) Egg omelet With Green Peppers, Mushroom And Laughing Cow Cheese
lunch(THM-)Turkey On Cucumber Boats
lunchSweet Potatoes
snacksCottage Cheese With Fruit
dinner(THM-S) no-tortilla cheesy beef enchilada bake
snacks(THM-FP) Salted Caramel Protein Smoothie
breakfast(THM-E) Cinnamon Roll Baked Oatmeal
snacksWasa Crackers
Mmmm homemade yogurt 
snacks(Thm -S) Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Shake/Blizzard
breakfast(THM-S) Egg omelet With Green Peppers, Mushroom And Laughing Cow Cheese
lunch(THM-S) Chicken Salad With Dressing
snacksHomemade greek yogurt
dinner(THM-S) Creamy Chessy Chicken
breakfast(THM-E) Peach Oatmeal
snacks(THM-S) Nuts
lunchEat Out With Friends
dinnerEat Out With Friends
breakfast(THM-E) Cinnamon Roll Baked Oatmeal
lunchEat Out With Friends
snacks(THM-S) Nuts
dinnerEat Out With Friends

Cucumbers with dressing

breakfast(THM-S) Egg omelet With Green Peppers, Mushroom And Laughing Cow Cheese
snacks(THM-S) Nuts
lunch(THM-S) Chicken Salad With Dressing
dinnerBBQ Chicken Crockpot

Gardening- Win seeds!!

     Every week this month I'm going to be Giveaway seeds. This seeds can be planted for a fall garden! 

My seeds that I'm giving away

    This week I'm going to give Black Seeded Simpson lettuce to one lucky winner! I love this lettuce, it grows up and you can keep harvesting it. I will be planting it around the house this fall. 

How to win the seeds? 
  • At 12pm go to Pa Gardeners on Facebook and comment in the post. Yes that's all. Just comment on the post. 
  • Then on Next Monday Morning one Lucky winner will be picked at random to win the pack of seeds.
     Next Monday I will announce the Winner and next week's Giveaway will start. 

Daily goals- Monday, August 4th, 2014

Good morning, I look up until on time made my coffee and got my breakfast & lunch pack. Last night before bed, I made Brownie Batter Overnight oatmeal! Mmmm it looks good. I also packed some of the leftover Egg Roll in a bowl for lunch. The pets have been feed too today. I'm on a roll!

My Sunflower! IT so pretty

Today's Goals
  1. Work - I would today from 8am - 6pm. It just me and the little ones today! I do though need to hit the post office. Which they love to go too. 
  2. Cooking - I need to plan the weekly menu and stick to it. Starting with dinner tonight.  
  3. Gardening - work on clearing out the pallet beds. I have 3 that I didn't fill this year, I'm going to use 2 for peas for fall harvest!! 
  4. Gardening - Post on Pa Gardeners about how to win seeds for me! At 12pm, there will be a post on how to win seeds!! Come back and check it out and get ready for your fall garden! 

Only a few goals today. I have a feeling it's going to be a busy day!! What are your goals for today? Let me know I would love to here about it! 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Daily goals - Saturday, August 2nd, 2014

     Woke up late again this morning. I can't believe that I slept in again, but it felt great! I got up and got everyone feed an started on my goals today!

My homemade yogurt!!
Today's goals 
  1. Cooking - finishes my homemade yogurt. I tried to make homemade yogurt 2 weeks ago and had trouble with it. This week cut the recipe in half and added yogurt 2x and it came out great!! 
  2. Cooking - write new post about how I made my homemade yogurt! 
  3. Gardening - finish prepping garden box 4 and plant broccoli and cauliflower. 
  4. Gardening - hang vine plant up on the gate. 
  5. Gardening- start to work on Gardening Box 1. I hoping to plant my carrots there for fall harvest! 
  1. Gardening- clean out garden box 4 and start to plant my cauliflower and broccoli. ~ I got the bed clean out but still have to get it ready.
  2. Gardening - clean up green houses and put way. ~ Hubby was excite to see the cleaned up.
  3. Gardening - write and post gardening Goals for this week. ~ I set up my gardening goals for this week. You can check them out at Weekly Goals - 12 Week After the Last Frost - Weekly goals.
  4. Errands- run to bank, produce store, milk store, and grocery store. ~ I only made it to the grocery store.
  5. Brother house- stop by and checkout my little brothers new place! ~ I stop by my little brother's new place and dropped off some food to get him off to the right start. I'm so proud of him!
     It is suppose to start to rain here around 3pm, therefore I need to get my butt moving! What are you planning on doing today?? 

Weekly Goals - 12 Week After the Last Frost - Weekly goals

     This summer is been super busy, I feel like I haven't even had a chance to keep up with the garden. Good thing with the Garden you can always start over! It's time to start getting season for the fall planting. Are you getting ready to plant seeds for a fall garden?

My Garden 

This Week's Gardening Goals
  1. Vines- I have apple melon and sweet melon vines growing all over the garden. Time to clean them up and have them climb the fence
  2. Harvest - it's time to harvest cucumbers, potatoes, garlic, peppers. Mmmm I love fresh veggies!
  3. Gardening Box 4 - Weed the gardening box. Get it ready for fall planting. 
  4. Pallet Bed - I need to weed around the back pallet beds. I want to get them ready for fall plants.
  5. Plant - plant broccoli, cauliflower, and peas. 
How are you gardening growing? Do you have goals for this week? 

Daily goals- Friday, August 1st, 2014

I can't believe it a new month! This year is flying by!! Today is flying by too. I slept in this morning. It felt nice. Then I got up feed everyone and collected my fresh egg, and harvested a yellow squash and mini pepper for breakfast!!! Mmmm   

Breakfast of Camps
Today's goals
  1. Gardening- clean out garden box 4 and start to plant my cauliflower and broccoli. 
  2. Gardening - clean up green houses and put way. 
  3. Gardening - write and post gardening Goals for this week. 
  4. Errands- run to bank, produce store, milk store, and grocery store. 
  5. Brother house- stop by and checkout my little brothers new place! 

I have a lot of things I want to get done today. Hopeful I get the chance, so time to get outside!!! Hope you have an amazing day!