Friday, January 15, 2021

Gardening Time - Leeks

            I don’t normal grow leek. Honestly it more I don’t really know how to cook with them. This year I decide to give them a try! I want my littles to learn to try new things. I guess that mean I need to too. I have to learn about Leeks, because I don’t know much about them then what is on their seed pack! Which is very useful information, but to be a good gardener I like to know a lot about a plant that will be in my garden.

            I picked the Bulgarian Giant Leek, from Baker Creek Heirloom seeds. I am not 100% sure why I pick this one. It was the one I like though. Hopeful it likes my garden.  Baker Creek has given me some great information on when to start the seeds, when to put them outside (6-8 weeks before last frost! ~ that is soon!!) and how to plant them. I will use the details they gave me match to my Week by Week Vegetable Gardener’s Handbook to plant them.

            What Are Leeks and How Are They Used? ( stated that leeks are apart of the onion family. That I knew, but they have a lesson onion taste. Okay my family might like them, then they are huge onion people. They also give great detail on how to harvest and prepare the leek. I will have to come back to this article. Growing Leeks | Tips for Planting Leeks in your Garden ( has a lot of tips on planting leeks. One being you can harvest as soon as they are an inch tall. Another one is that they do better in the fall. I will be planting them in our fall harvest too. (Having fresh healthy food all year round will be amazing!) Rotation of Leeks are the same as onions. According to An amateur's guide to crop rotation - they should follow, peppers and tomatoes, and after them will be beans, peas and sweet potatoes. What should be planting with leeks? Leek Plant Companions - Learn About Companion Planting With Leeks ( states that lettuce, cabbage, strawberries and carrots do great with leeks. I think I will be trying lettuce with my leeks this year.

            Well I spent a lot of time today learning about leeks. I’m so excite to give this plant a try in my garden! Hopeful this helps you learn a little more about leeks too. If you have any tips for my please let me know. I believe gardening is always a learning thing!

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