Thursday, January 14, 2021

Gardening time - Onions


I decide on 2 different types of onions for this year. I have decide to go with the Stuttgarter onion, and the Wethersfield Red.  I decide that I wanted one red onion and one yellow onion. I don’t normal care which one I cook with. Therefore having both on hand will be nice.

            Stuttagart Onions were the other type of onions we deiced to grow. This are a very popular variety of onions.  Onion sets Stuttgarter Riesen: description of the variety, photos, reviews - Garden - 2021 ( tells about "Zamen Mauser Quedlinburg any how he culture it. Stuttgarter Onion ( were bought though baker Creek. I like that they were easy to grow. We need easy to grow plants.

            Wethersfield onions have a history in the USA that dates back to 1700s. I thought that was so cool. I picked them because of that but researching them. I have learned a lot about them! The Rise and Fall of the Wethersfield Red Onion - New England Historical Society  article by tells that women were the main people to grow the red onions. I have learned that they are long day onions. Meaning they need a long day to grow. Onion: Wethersfield Red Overview - Growing Tips ( states you can plant onion seeds two times. If started as a transplant! This is so excited because we don’t have a lot of room in the garden and I love to have onions all year long.

            Planting onions can be done either in the garden or indoors and transplanted outside. We have decided to plant indoors and transplant outside. This will help them grow start off so we can eat them sooner. You are supposed to start them indoors 8-12 weeks before last frost. They will be planted outside before the last frost about 3-4 weeks before. I didn’t realize that, so I will make a mental note to make sure I plan where they are going late fall.

            Companion Planting is so important! The idea of planting two plants together to help each other. According to Companion Plants For Onions: What Can I Plant With Onions In The Garden ( best to cabbage family because onions repel cabbage loopers, cabbage worms, and cabbage maggots. They also naturally deter aphids, Japanese beetles, and rabbits so they would be good for tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries and peppers. Because of chemical incompatibility and possible flavor contamination they wouldn’t be good companions for peas, beans, asparagus and sage.

            Are you planting onions this year? If so any tips?

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