Thursday, May 30, 2013

Daily Goals- Thursday, May 30, 2013

This morning I slept in. I had a chance to water the corn and lettuce that I had to replant last night because the chicks pulled them up. Last night we enjoyed our time at my parents and we took a motorcycle ride. It was a nice night. 
1. Work- I work 8am-6pm
2. Cleaning- finish dishes
3. Wedding plans - try to get a hold of wedding place and schedule our appointment earlier. 
4. Figure out dinner for the week- this way I have what we need on hand. 
5. Think about the wedding list. - I have to figure out what we are going to do about kids. 
There is a lot I have to think about. I don't really see the point of inviting people who don't have a serious girlfriend or boyfriend a plus one. I think it stupid to have people I don't know at the wedding.  Am I wrong? 

Gardening - Grapes

This weekend I planted my new grape vine. I had to replace last years bush. I think between the ants trying to make it there home and the tomato plant growing in it. (I learned the hard way they aren't companion plants. Tomato plant is to heavy eater.) The poor grape vine didn't have a chance. 

While reading about companion plants, I read about hypos and grapes. I was very excited that they worked together, because I had trouble growing both last year. (I plant hypos right into the garden bed last year, and nothing grew) this year I planted my hypos in the green house and decide to give it a try. They both are grow that's a plus. 

I haven't gotten a grapes off the plant that I can eat yet. But I love watching it grow. I am not trimming it like you would for only fruit producing because I want it to grow up to the top. It's getting there. 
Are you planting grapes? 

Daily goals- Wednesday, May 29, 2013

We didn't hit the gym last night :-( We ended up playing with gumpaste and trying to make Daffodils. 
Daily goals
1. Work- From 8 AM until 1:30 PM
2. Drs. appointment- My little one has a doctors appointment for fractured a wrist. Hopefully everything is okay
3. Birthday party-Today is my dad's birthday. We are having cake and ice cream tonight and I have to drop off Cass school stuff. 
4. Cleaning-I want to clean the living room and put away all the wash
5. Gardening- Work on plan planting my transplants. I feel like I have 100 more transplants to plant! 
I was able to get into the garden this morning! I plan to a more mammoth sunflowers, dill, fennel and sage this morning. 
What do you have planned for the day?


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Gardening- Companion Plant for Tomatoes

My Red Large CherryTomotes Ready to plant

I have read a lot about tomatoes this year. I have planted two types of tomato plants, tomato floradade and red large cherry tomatoes.
I have them separated in two different areas because I want to save the seeds. 
Through all my reading I learned that you can plant carrots with tomatoes.  Also you plant marigolds and basil with them too. 

Tomato planted with carrot seeds around it

I'm going to try the carrots in my pots. I am anything them in there because they don't seem to grow well in my soil. 
In my garden and am going to plant marigold, basil, and tomato in a pattern so they plant can grow better. 
What plants do you grow together?

Gardening- 4 Weeks After My Last Frost- Weekly Goals

I decide that I was to far ahead in the garden and need to push back a few weeks. I am still using my book Week-by-Week Vegetable Gardener’s Handbook. I found out that my stuff isn't matching up right. 

My book
Weekly Garden Goals
1. Check Crops- check all crops from pest
2. Leeks- hill around stems
3. Strawberry- harvest daily to keep rip ones from going bad. 

My strawberries growing in the pot

4. Rutabaga- plant seeds in the for fall harvest
5. Tomatoes - check for whiteflies if infested use soap water mix to get rid of them. I have to plant mine in the garden this week. I did pot plant over the weekend. 

My Lager Cherry Tomato plant pot 

6. Bush green beans, squash, sweet corn- resow in the garden of needs
7. Asparagus- harvest this week and let grow out into ferns. 
8. Leaf lettuce, radish, and beets- harvest they will continue to grow. You can use the tops of beet for salads too. 
Weighting my freshly picked radishes
9. Carrots- pick baby carrots
10. Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and kale- keep an eye out for cabbage warms. 

There is so much going on in my garden. I am out there every free minute I get. I have so many transplants to plant still. I am hoping to get up before work and get them planted. What are you planting this week?

Follow the other Weeks Before Last Frost Weekly goals with the links below.
Gardening 20 Weeks Before My Last Frost- Weekly Goals
Gardening 19 Weeks Before My Last Frost- Weekly Goals
Gardening 18 Weeks Before my Last Frost
Gardening 17 Weeks Before My Last Frost Weekly Goals 
Gardening~ Weeks 16 and Weeks 15 before My Last Frost - Weekly Goals 
Gardening~ 14 Weeks before Average Date of Last Frost
Gardening~ 13 & 12 Weeks before Average Date of Last Frost
Gardening~ 11 Weeks before Average Date of Last Frost 
 Gardening ~ 10 weeks until my last frost - Weekly Goals
Gardening ~ 9 weeks until my last frost ~ Weekly Goals
Gardening~ 8 weeks before my last frost - Weekly Goals
Gardening- 7 weeks before my last frost~ weekly goals 
Gardening ~ 6 and 5 Weeks Before My Last Frost- Weekly Goal 
Gardening ~ 4 Gardening 4 Weeks Before My Last Frost - Weekly Goals 
Gardening~ 3 Weeks Before My Last Frost - Weekly Goals 
Gardening- Week of last frost- garden goals

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Good morning hope you guys had a wonderful weekend. I spent the majority of my weekend in the garden. We did have a Memorial Day picnic too. 
Today's goals
1. Start to plan the deck garden box-I need to locate my plans for this box. 
2. Work from 8 AM until 6 PM
3. Eat a healthy dinner-We're going to have ribs tonight with salad and veggies. Hubby's going to throw them on when I'm on my way home. 
4. Work out-Hit the gym tonight, Tonight is at night. I want to do all 6 machines With two reps of 15 and one rep of 20. Hubby's coming with me tonight to push me. 
5. Cleaning-old the wash and put it away, Clean up the kitchen. 
One of the best things of having a garden is to be able to go out and pick your own food. My strawberries are starting to ripping up.  It was nice to be able to go outside and take them for breakfast! There's nothing better than a fresh organic strawberry! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Losing weight- May

Ok I need to loss some weight. I know this, but now being in three wedding next year and one being my own. I need to get my butt in gear.
I join lose it- it is a free app and helps you count your calories. It let you talk to your friends. If you want join me on it let me know.
I'm am hoping to hit the gym 3 time a week and yoga 2 times a week.
Now if I keep this up I should get the weight off and look awesome for the wedding.
As of today I am weighing 152. I want to loss 2 lbs a week. In 4 months be at my goal weight. (Yes 110 is my goal weight, I'm 5'1)
This is a change not to eat bored or upset. I have to change that. I'm also use to eat whatever I want and as much of it I want. It is time to have potion control.
Are you losing weight, or want to? Please join me.
Here is to my health eating. A healthy lunch.

Daily goals-Tuesday, May 22, 2013

I have already had a busy morning. I got up, I wash the dishes, I did a load of wash, and I took out the trash, after that I hit the grocery store to get what I need it for tonight's dinner. Then headed to work.
Today's goals
1. Work from 8 AM until 6 PM
2. Help hubby teach the girls Scouts self-defense.
3. Couponing- Cut out coupons and see if I have the right coupons for the wasted sale this week
4. Sign the kids up for an art class
5. Make dinner-Tonight we're having lasagna cups mmm
Hope you stay dry today and have a wonderful Wednesday!

Cooking- Weekly Menu

May 20 -◦ Monday
Cereal (Breakfast)
Taco Dip W/ Chips (Snacks)
Grilled Chicken (Dinner)
Macaroni Salad (Dinner)
Corn On The Cob (Dinner)
Tossed Salad (Weekly Salad)

May 21 -◦ Tuesday
Cereal (Breakfast)
Caesar Salad (Lunch)
Oranges (Lunch)
Corn On The Cob (Dinner)
Macaroni Salad (Dinner)
Meatloaf (Dinner)

May 22 -◦ Wednesday
Oatmeal (Breakfast)
Egg Sandwich (Lunch)
Cucumbers (Lunch)
Strawberries (Lunch)
Lasanga Cups (Dinner)

May 23 -◦ Thursday
Cereal (Breakfast)
Spagetties Os (Lunch)
Grapes (Lunch)
Chessy Garlic Bread (Lunch)
Taco Salad (Dinner)

May 24 -◦ Friday
Pancakes (Breakfast)
Leftover (Dinner)
Leftovers (Lunch)

May 25 -◦ Saturday
Cereal (Breakfast)
Chicken Salad (Lunch)
Salibury Steak (Dinner)
Corn On The Cob (Dinner)

May 26 -◦ Sunday
Cereal (Breakfast)
Leftovers (Lunch)
Leftover (Dinner)

Daily goals- Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I made it to the gym yesterday! I did a 4 mile bike ride and five ab machines. I also got the house picked up.
Today's goals
1. Post weekly menu
2. Work from 8 AM until 6 PM
3. Work out- I don't want to overwork my body today I wanted to do yoga. That way just stretching out the muscles that are sore from yesterday.
4. Kids korner- Introduce W, Teach how to sign W, Sing the W song
5. Cleaning-clean mud room
I also want to take a second of the day to send out my love and prayers to all the people that are dealing with the horrible tornadoes. I pray for the ones who got hurt the one that lost everything and for the love ones who don't know.

Gardening - Planting Viola

My Viola Seeds

I was so happy to see this seeds in Lowes! I wanted more edible plants. I started to plant this on May 10th.

Love this company

I love this seed company they tell you how to use the seeds. I decide I want to plant some in pots to go under the bench on the deck. Then I planted so in a container to put around the garden in empty spots. They are going to be my filler plants.

These seed are tiny

As always, I check my seeds and take a picture so I have a reference. Then all look good. These seeds I only sprinkled over the dirt and watered. I didn't cover them.

2 pots and 2 containers planted

That it done with them and they are ready for the green house. I can't wait to see when they spout and then have them in the garden.
How's your gardening coming?

Monday, May 20, 2013

Gardening- Update on Cherry Nasturtiums and Night/Day Nasturtiums

The baby seeding up close

Today is May 20th, which is 10 days after I planted the Nasturtiums. I am please to tell you they have started to sprout.

8 Day and Night Nasturtiums have popped up
My Night and Day Nasturtiums are doing better then the Cherry ones. I am putting them on the table today. They are going to stay there until they get 2 sets of true leaves. I'm so excite to see them grow!

2 Cherrry Nasturtiums, so far
My Cherry Nasturtium only have to growing so far, but the still have 5 days to spout acorrding to the packet. I'm going to keep them in the green house until a few more spout. I feel the green house helps them spout faster and protects them more.

How are you seeds doing?

Gardening - Planting Nasturtium Cherry

Nasturtium Seed packet
On May 10th, I got a chance to finish up my planting, (or so thought, I ended up picking up more stuff) I picked this up at Lowes and cannot wait to see them grow.

I love this seed company 
This is my favorite seed company, I love the back of the seed packet. I have decide I'm going to plant them in my gardening box 2 with my lettuce, cabbage, spinach, and broccoli. They are suppose to be good with them. I also am going to plant them in pots on the deck. I might also plant them around the deck.

Seeds in the containers

Here they are ready to being planted in containers, I like to have them planted in the containers frist because I can see what is growing.

How do you plant your flowers right int the ground or in contianer and transplant?

Gardening - Planting Nasturtium Day and Night Mix

Getting ready to plant 

 May 10th, I decide to finish up all my seed planting. This is the last of day of seed planting, if I don't buy anymore. Before I start Seedings get everything together. the potting soil, the seeds, and pots, I also have a drink.

My Flower Seeds 

When I go to plant seeds, I always plan where I'm going to plate them. I am going to plant these in the side driveway beds. If I have extra, I would like to plant them in pots and keep them out by the swing in the fire pit area.

I love this seed company, because they give you a recipe on the back

I found "The Cook's Garden" seeds company and I love them. They tell you if the seeds are edible and they even give you a recipe on the back with the planting information.

Look how big the seeds are
I always check the seeds. This lets me make sure they are good to use. I also like to have a picture of the seed, so when I go to collect them I know what I am looking for.

My seeds planted. 
I planted them in the container, and covered them with dirt. Waiting for them to grow, then they will be planted in the driveway beds.
Have you ever planted Nasturtium? Have you ever eating them?

Daily goals- Monday, May 20, 2013

Sorry I've been MIA so much. The last few weeks have been busy hectic and a lot of planning. Hubby and I got engaged last Friday. We decided we wanted to get married this March I can't wait. So I got caught up in all my wedding thoughts.
Today's goals
1. Write out menu, Write out gardening goals, And write out weekly goals.
2. Walk the dog-This goal has already been done. He is now laying pooped on the floor. Lol
3. Get blog and Facebook caught back up-I have been behind on talking to you guys sorry
4. Cleaning -my bedroom and kitchen
5. Gardening - I would like to get both driveway boxes planted!
I hope you have a great Monday!

Deer Trail Skip and I found!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Daily Goals- Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I know you haven't heard a lot Fermina last weekend. Hubby finally propose! We've been together for seven years We bought a home together and we have one beautiful child and last Friday because I'm so excited.
Today's goals
1. Work from 8 until 330
2, Dentist appointment at 4:30
3. Get the dishes done and cleaned up
4. Write out thank you cards-I need to write one out to my mother-in-law and my boss.
5. Work on my blog-I know I haven't been posting. I am very sorry about not being on here.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Daily goals- Friday, May 9, 2013

It is suppose to nice out today. Hubby and I are hoping to go for a nice motorcycle ride today.
Today's goals
1. Gardening- Write a post about my Peach tree and see if anybody can help me with it.
2. Sign property papers- today we go and sign our papers for our new property! I can't wait. We are adding a little under 2/3 an acre to at our 1/3 lot! We now have about an acre!
3. Gardening - plant corn
4 & 5. Have a great day with hubby.
I hope you have a fantastic Friday!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Daily goals- Thursday, May 8, 2013

This morning, I got up and had time to harvest some radish out of my garden for my little ones lunch. She was so excited.
Today's goals
1. Work 8-4. It is a short day.
2. Kids Korner- today we are making mother day cards and gifts
3. Shopping - I didn't get to go yesterday.
4. Gardening - start clean out Garden Box 3, I want to be able to get my corn this weekend.
5. Make dinner- We are having southwest turkey bake.
What do you have planned for the day? I hope you enjoy your Thursday!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Daily goals- Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Yesterday was a long night, I couldn't sleep :(.
Today's goals
1. Work- I work from eight until six today
2. Reading- Finished reading this month urban farm magazine.
3. Kids korner-Work on birthday cards for grandma, And a Mother's Day card for grandma
4. Kids Korner - Prep candy cutouts for mothers day cards, That way they're ready for tomorrow's project
5. Couponing- Post what I want the deals I want to do, And go shopping tonight.
I didn't get much sleep last night, so today is going to feel like a super long day, so bear with me if you don't hear much from me. Have an awesome Wednesday!