Wednesday, January 2, 2019

19 Goals for 2019

  1. Start Blogging again 
I didn’t give up blogging but life did get busy. I miss it though. I love being able to share what I learn with other people. 
  1. Date Night
Time with Hubby outside of the house is important. I’m hone all day so going is needed for me. But I want u to take the love that we have and keep growing it. We are a perfect couple, but we are prefect for us. I don’t want to have either of us feel like the other doesn’t think that. So alone time is great.
  1. Gardening grow 100lbs of food
The last 2 years, my garden hasn’t been amazing. I have been so busy on getting the daycare up and going i haven’t even focused on the garden. That is going to change! This year, I want to grow our food and have 100lbs of fresh organic food coming in the house.
  1. Aquaphonics
This is my newest adventure. I have study a lot about it, and final got a system! I’m so excited to give this a try!
  1. Herbal knowledge
As always learning is super important to me. Learning about the herbs that were put on the Earth. I love Herbal Root Zine. It breaks down one herb a month and teaches you about that. I want to learn about the new Herb and refresh myself on the ones I have already learned about.
  1. Read 12 books
Reading is so important! There are so many reasons I want to read, from learning new things, improving myself, and getting better at writing. I am lucky every though I have Dyslexia, I love to read books.  
  1. Get in shape
I’m not saying loss 50lbs. Even though I could stand to loss it. I understand I’m getting older and I won’t look like I did at 20. I’m saying be able to run around with the kids, not hurt at night. I want to live a long and healthy life, then I have to take care of myself. I would like to work out at least 3 times a week.
  1. Plan meals and stick to plan
Having a meal plan will be a huge help at the end of the night. One of the reason we order out is because I’m stuck on what to cook. I want to be healthy and take care of myself eating is the most important part. Our goal is to eat at home at least 6 times a week.
  1. Better Daycare planning
I want to have my Lesson plans done, and I want also have a monthly newsletter. That way I can show my parents what the kids are learning. This kids are amazing and deserve the best.
  1. Better Budget planning
I have a picture of my dream home. One where Hubby and I don’t ever have to move again. I want garden, land and my mini farm animals. I want an area for the daycare. I want a place where Hubby can be a therapist from home. But to move we have to be out of debt. I don’t want to start over in a new state with any debt but maybe the car and our student loans. We hope to move in 2 year. Therefore its time to clean up our lives.
  1. Learn more about bees 
We got bees in 2018. It is amazing to watch them. I want to be able to learn as much as I can with them. I not sure if we will take honey or not. I like just know they are there.
  1. Hang out with Friends more
I think the hardest part of the daycare out of the house, is losing myself in the house. I’m an out going person. I love people, learning from them talking to them. I think its important to not get lost in the daycare or just my family. Hang out with people is so important.
  1. Walk the Dog more
Our pup is getting older, and he needs to be in shape too, if we play to have him stay around for a long time. He turned 8 this year! 
  1. Coupon
I love couponing! I love saving money and being able to donate to our local food bank. Last year I ended up stoping bc we had a lot of stuff. Now we need to restock!
  1. Learn how to use Kiefer 
I trade some of my Freezed Dried Apples for new heifer grains. I’m so excited to try use them. I want to learn more about them and learn about the effects they have on our body.
  1. Learn how to make bread
Being home lets me learn new things. One of my goals in live is not to need the grocery store if something bad would ever happen. But something as a kid is wasn’t taught One was making bread. I want to start with sour dough because it suppose to be one of the best for your body.
  1. Go camping 6 times
I want to get back to nature, and enjoy the outdoors. So this year I want to do more camping and hiking.
  1. Spend more time outside
There is so many advantages to being outside. We have a very cute little homestead. I want to take time and just enjoy it.

  1. Enjoy my life

Life isn’t easy and no matter what we plan, God has his own plans for us. I don’t want to rush though it. I want to enjoy it. We only get this one life at this time in the world. I don’t want to be sad that I ran though it on auto pilot.

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