Today was a busy morning and totally forgot to grab my coupon organizer. Is a small coupon holder that I keep in my purse with the coupons in the years per store. It really annoyed me because I today I normal do most shopping.
Today's goals
1. Work- I work from 8 to 6
2. Gym- I want to hit the gym today is only for half hour need to get there.
3. Shopping- I wanted to do most my coupon shopping today but doesn't seem like that's going to happen. I'm hoping to stop at Rite Aid and at Wies and get the stuff that I can get with the coupons I have on me.
4. Gardening- I need to get my mosquito plants and fig trees inside today!
Does everyone's weekly planner look as crazy as mine? So much going on this week.
My weekly planner
Weekly Goals
1. Work- I work 4 days this week. Monday a half day though.
2. Workout- I want to go to the gym 3x this week. I have to stick to a program. I have 4 months to lose weight to fit into my future sister-in-law brides maid dress. I bought the dress 6 year ago, and had it fitted then.
4. Reading- listen to the Romans 2 and read 1/4 of The Old Farmer's Almanac.
5. Family Project - make popcorn balls
6. Cooking - stick to menu, No takeout!!!
7. Organize - start to reorganize the basement, though the months it got busy and everything got thrown down there. I want to start in the garden area and take inventory.
8. Kids Kroner- this week is letter G
9. Martha Steward - I want to make 6 invations for our wedding.
10. Outing- I'm going to meet up with a friend and touch base with her. I know she has a life changing event going on in her life. I want her to know I'm here to talk.
What are your goals this week? Do you write the down?
Week-by-Week Vegetable Gardener’s Handbook is still helping thoughout the week to say on base with my gardens. Week 20 and 21 are combined. I am going to break them up so that it is easier for me to accomplish my goals.
Weekly Garden Goals
1. Clean up- I have over 10 beds. I won't be using thoughout the winter. So I want to clean them up and put compost on them. This week I have 3 days off so I want to get 3 beds cleaned up.
2. Pumpkin, squash- clean and preserve for the winter. Don't for get to save some seeds for next year!
3. Bring in plants that won't last thoughout winter- I have mosquito plant and fig trees. They won't last my PA winter. Before the 1st frost, I have to bring them in.
4. Make a worm compost box- I am bringing in some plants and hoping to have nerves growing inside this winter therefore I want to make compost that I can use to fertilize the plants throughout the winter.
5. Harvest basil- with the first frost coming at some point this week I want to harvest my basil and start to try it out. This will make for a wonderful Christmas gift!
How are you doing? I am great. I went to bed early last night. I was able to get up early and get moving, and to my surpise so did hubby. We were able to get all the morning chores done. It was fun to have him help and him being goofy!
Today's Goals
1. Work - I work for 8am-6pm
2. Gym - after dinner we are off to the gym. If we go just for 30 mins we want to make the most of the money we are spending.
3. Leave my hair down. After year of master the messy bun, it isn't needed anymore. All my kiddies are old enough to know not to pull my hair. But it is hard to leave it down because I'm not use to it.
4. Pick a new book- I have so many gardening books to pick though.
5. Make up Weekly Menu- I am running out of ideas for dinner. Hhhmmm have so to think about.
Hope you have a wonderful day planned! What are you doing?
Today on Facebook we talked about Apple trees.(you can join me at PA gardeners on Facebook)
This year I bought Apple trees but they did not make it. Today I bought replacements for the apple trees. I can't wait to harvest apples from these trees I pray that they grow better than the first.
Apples are in season now and even though my trees didn't grow I'm lucky enough to have friends that have apple trees and I'm willing to share their harvest with me. If you don't have trees available you can always go to a local portrait and pick your apples there. That experience is worth it, plus you have fresh apples. Mmmm
Apples are very healthy for you. They help your nerve neurological, cardiovascular, lungs, colon, prostrate and losing weight.
With that being said I need to lose 30 pounds. I know that sounds like a lot but as of the last time I weighted in (September 10) I weighed 152 pounds and I am 5'1. That being said I am overweight which isn't good. The genes on my family sides put me a rest for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and also diabetes therefore I need to watch my health and my weight. It's time I changed.
The last reason that I really want to start losing weight is because I want to have more kids. Being in shape will make the pregnancy safer and healthier and will also make my child safer and healthier. A change needs to start.
There are many reason working out is hard. One being getting into the routine is hard enough. Another reason is when I work; I work 10 hours with a 45 minute drive both ways I just don't have the energy to go after work. On the weeks that I have a lighter work week, I have my little one and I have mommy guilt. No one's going to change me but me.
Right now I'm hoping to do three workouts a week plus walk twice a week I am using my "Lose It" app to help me stay under my calorie count. If you want find me on my lose it app and we can become friends.
Here is this weeks workout goals
Tuesday - walk 30 minutes pushing the double stroller. I can do this while I am working.
Wednesday -Zumba after work class starts at 8 o'clock so I should be able to make it.
Thursday - walk 30 minutes pushing the double stroller. I can do this while I am working.
Friday - Bodyworks plus abs and yoga at the gym
Saturday - We are camping, so I'm hoping to hike.
Sunday - We are camping, so I'm hoping to hike.
Monday - yoga at home and the Victoria Secret Model Ab Workout
This week my little ones on home until Friday so going to the gym should not be as hard as it is only said she's home. Are you working out? What are your workout Goals? Come back every Tuesday and see if I stayed on track and what my weigh in is. Let me know how you're doing too.
I'm sorry I went MIA for so long! There were so many family issues going on as afraid blogging I might actually put them on the Internet. Then not be able to work through it with the people that were the problem.
With all the drama and stress my garden took a back seat plus my harvest was disappointing. But there is always next year.
I have been keeping up on my Bible reading. I also finished 3 more books.
I have been cooking and canning. I have also worked on my stock piling though couponing.
I am ready to start back on here. Come daily and checkout my daily goals, free garden books, and gardening Facebook topics. You can check back weekly if a topic fits you.
Monday - My Weekly Menu
Tuesday - Weight Way In
Wednesday - Wedding
Thursday - Couponing
Friday - Gardening and Gardening Goals
Saturday - Lesson Plans
Sunday - Weekly Goals.
I can't wait to talk to you guys again! I missed you!