Tuesday, December 15, 2020

         Last week was a busy week, we knew a snow storm is coming. We had a lot to get ready. We also had a lot of stuff to get ready for up coming events. College Girl was home with us. That was nice. We did have to have a talk about hiding her boyfriend being over. Yes, we are crazy parents that don’t believe it is our right to control her world after being 18 and going to college to control her every move. You want you boyfriend to spend the night that is your choice. But we do want to be told about it. (our belief comes from the fact that we both were living on our own at 18, and running our own life. We are here to guide her in the right direction, but not to force her) She also never gave us reason to not trust her. She though wasn’t telling us, and I almost walked in on them (not full dressed, I has in a tank top, and sweets) and then the next time he parked away form the house and made all my parents walk far to get to the house. I think she gets it now. We also don’t control her or judge her because we want her to be open with us. If you think your parents will be disappointed you won’t tell them we don’t want that either.

We also got several wood stove covers orders this week. We have been working hard on getting those orders filled. I love spend the time with hubby. It gives us something fun to work on together. It also lets me do something he loves with him. It is so important to take time and do things you partner loves to do.

I worked all week, We had so much fun! I love spending time with my littles. We learned about the letter Hh and Hanukkah. The kids had so much fun!

I also did good sticking to THM. The food was good. There were 2 recipes that didn’t turn out right, but every cookbook has them. I was on plan about 90% of the time.

This week is another busy week. But what week for us isn’t busy. I hate sitting around and there is so much to do.  I am hoping for a snow day though and if we get it I will take it and watch Hallmark movies and chill. Maybe have a snow fight with hubby.

Weekly Goals

1.   Plan kids Christmas party – I love holidays with my little ones. They get so excited. I can’t wait to plan out the party fun we are going to have.

2.   Move stuff around our wood stove in the basement. We bought fire wood this year. I want to move the stuff and use the stove. It will reduce our heating cost. With hubby working every other at home, it will make it easier to run though out the day. With this crazy world, I want to save as much money as we can.

3.   Finish up our wood stove covers, and get the next order started. This I want done but Saturday so people can pick up on Sunday.

4.   Decorate – we are decorated for Christmas. I need to get going on this.

5.   Work on gardening Goals! I want an amazing garden next year. Which means working hard to get it there.

        I know not everything might not get done. That is okay. Having goals gives me stuff to do and makes me feel like I finished stuff. It helps with my anxiety and feeling of not being good enough. It shows me what I’m doing to make the house a happier and better home. What are your goals for the week? How did your week go last wee

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