Thursday, November 5, 2020

Crafting Life - Daycare Parent Board/Intro to my I got my Circuit

I’m not an artist person. I can’t draw to save my life. I mess up drawing stick men. During quarantine, I was going crazy and board out of my mind. You go from having 6 littles plus my teenager; to just hubby and my teenager.  It gave me more time than I ever had in my life. I didn’t know what to do. I love my job and kids. They mean the world to me. That time was so hard. Hubby decided to he would buy me the Circuit Maker. I have wanted this for a while because I can cut out stuff for the kids so much easier. I think for him, it gave me something to focus on and to tell me “I don’t have to get a job my littles would be back and it was okay to be home and not working". I took Abbi Kirsten’s Cutting Edge Crafters online course (hubby got me too, so we could use the machine), and learn so many things. I am so thankful for this course. It helped me learn my machine so much.

I have made so many with my Circuit. Homemade masks, for my family, my brothers and both my parents. I have made window decorations, senior door decorations, name tags, shirts, car stickers, college care package decorations. I use the machine at least 2x a week. I love how easy it is. There is my intro to it, I do use the Circuit pass and love it. That is where most my stuff comes from. Therefore, if you have that pass you can do it too.

I used all Circuit past to make my decorations, I used the leaves and stapled them to string to make them hanging and moving. I made the anemone flowers on marron card stock to make the flowers on top. And I found a simple turkey to make the turkey. It took my about 2 hours and looks nice for my parents to see what is going on in the school.

What have you made with you circuit? Why did you buy it? Let me know

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