Thursday, November 5, 2020

Daily Goals- November 5, 2020

 I wrote these at 6:30am, it is now 3:20pm before I got a change to post. This day has been super busy.😵

Good morning,

                I did not want to get out of bed this morning. It was warm and comfy. I mean truly who wants to get up at 4:45am to make sure they can work out. I do it, because I know it is healthy for me.  Doesn’t make it my favorite thing to do. It took me a extra few minutes to get out of bed then throw the whole schedule off and ended up needed a shower the same time hubby did. (he gets up showers and leaves for work) I let him go 1st and started cleaning up the house for the day. I did get showered after him though. What do you do to help you get out of bed? Are you my alarm goes off I’m up person or let’s try to sleep as late as we can person?

Green Eggs and Ham

Today’s Goals

·         Work – I work from 6:45-about 5:30pm. This week we will be learning about the Letter Ee. We learning about Emotions. This is always a fun thing to work with kids with. Most little ones have trouble telling us how they feel. We are going to do a fun worksheet about it, sign happy and you know it, and watch inside out. It will

·         Clean our bedroom – I will be honest the messy part of my house is the bedroom. I try to keep up on it, but either we are hangout in it after working long days. Or the dogs locked in it throughout the day. (I don’t trust animals and young kids, either talk) Cleaning is never top priority.

·         Gardening – I am hoping that we can get into the gardening area today. Morning naps have been messing us up, because they are going to long and then after feeding the chickens, we have like 20 mins of free play. Then it is dark after work, and to cold in the mornings for the littles. Next week should be a little better.

·         Baking – To celebrate the letter e we are going to make eclairs during morning nap! The kids will have so much fun with this. Hope I can get my instant cart to come on time.

·         Workout – I am doing Beachbody 21 Day Fix. Today was total body cardio fix. My arms hurt so bad. Pain is gain?? I’m not too sure about that.

Rubber Egg Experiment 

Yesterday’s goals

·         Work – I work from 6:45-about 6pm. This week we will be learning about the Letter Ee. We doing a lesson on green eggs and ham. I’m so excited for this lesson and classic book. I’m going to make green eggs and ham for breakfast! Then I have an egg project I want to do with the kids. I’m so excited, I hope they will like it. We loved this learning activity. The kids were so shock to see green eggs on their plates. Everyone tried them and ate them. I was very impressed! (we also had ham, and oranges (which were added after, because I forgot them), and bread; that way if they didn’t want to eat the eggs they had other choices) We read the story of Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Suess. I think the only thing, I will change next year is that read the story with breakfast.

·         Clean Craft– I am still putting the craft room together. Therefore, I know it won’t be prefect but a good vacuum and dust would be nice. Nope I didn’t do it. Honestly, I didn’t want to. I made dinner early, so I wouldn’t have to cook after the littles left for the night.

·         Reading – I want to read for at least 20 minutes tonight. I didn’t do this one either. I got lost in my Youtube garden shows.

·         Kids Knore – Egg Project. I want to start the science project of turning a raw egg into one that will balance. I hope I didn’t wait to long to do this project. I have to look it up today and get it started at breakfast. We had so much fun with this project. All ages we intrigued by it. I can’t wait for it to finish on Friday and they can play with it.

·         Workout – I am finish up my 21 Day Fix. Yoga today Honestly, I’m not a fan of her yoga program, she doesn’t really talk you though it, and I’m always behind. It’s a little annoying because I practice yoga every night. I didsome of her yoga and did the rest of my yoga at night. I am not a fan of her yoga. With all the moving and downing downward dog so you can’t see what she is doing next. It very hard if you haven’t done the work out a million times.

Well I didn’t do amazing yesterday. Only 3/5 goals done, but I have 5 little ones and one 3 schedules because of morning nap schedule, homeschooling schedule, and regular daycare schedule. It sometime is hard and overwhelming. That is okay, as long as the kids are happy and healthy that is the only thing that truly matters. What are your goals for the day? 

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