Happy Tuesday. I’m so behind on everything.
I didn’t want to awake up this morning. Depression is trying to sink its teeth
in me. When I get depressed all I want to do is sleep. I like to shut the world
out. Now I know this and this isn’t healthy. Therefore, I’m trying to be more
open about it. It is very hard for me; I hate being vulnerable. What is setting
me off? Well the closure of our cities again. Yes, we knew we would have issues
come winter. It just sucks. No, I don’t want people to die, but I don’t want
them to die from losing everything either. Philadelphia just start the major
close down, they are only 45 minutes away from us and asking surrounding area
to follow. They have closed; high schools and colleges, gyms, indoor dining
(which will be a lot of restaurants because how are you going to eat outside in
the snow and cold) libraries, museums, no weddings or funerals, 10% capacity in
stores, and if you can work from home you must. They are asking churches no to
hold live services. I want to cry for all those people. I can’t imagine being a
gym owner and laying off the people 6 weeks until Christmas!!!! Knowing if the
get through the unemployment crap and get unemployment, they will only get 60% of
their normal income!! No extra money to make it to what they were making, no
help unless they go to food banks. This is no fault of the business owners. It’s
just horrible. I know our area will be following soon. I know I won’t close
this time, because they won’t close daycares, but most big daycares around me
will be laying teachers because kids won’t be back, their parents aren’t
working. I don’t know any daycare that is around me that is back fully with
kids. This might cut my income down even more. I know I might keep 2 kids,
though the shutdown. But that is such a pay hit. I’m right now making 40% what
was projected for this year, and 50% less then last year. How are business like
this suppose to survive? What do I do? Do I give up everything I have worked
hard for, love, and believe in to do something else? It is so much. I do know
we will be okay we have set ourselves up to be debt free. We can live off hubby
salary, but I hate it. I like having my own money. Not that he wouldn’t buy, or
get me anything I want, or wants me to get a new job (or second job). I am a
spoiled wife. It I don’t like not helping with the bills. This is what is going
on in my head. I know I can’t control any of this. I have to let it play out.
That is the hardest part.
Loving their Fodder
Today’s Goals
Work- I work from 6:30am-5:30pm. We are learning
about the letter Ff this week. I have my babies today. We are going to play
with Farm animals, sing farm songs and read a farm book.
Reading – Read for 20mins.
Cooking – Going back over Trim and Healthy Mama
books. December we are going back to that way of eating. Time to enjoy eating
healthy meals. I love the lifestyle, because I feel better on it. I just let it
go. Not anymore! We are starting in December so I can’t review the plans, and
get what I need to start. Plus, we have our menu planned for November and I like
to stick to that.
Clean- Clean the Craft Room.
Workout- I didn’t get to my workout this
morning. I am going to do 20 mins of yoga to make up for it.
Crafting life – Design a Glass wood stove cover
for a friend.
Happy Chickens
Yesterday’s Goals
Work- I work from 6:30am-5:30pm. We are
learning about the letter Ff this week. I’m so excited for all the fun we will
have. We had so much
fun yesterday introducing the letter Ff.
Reading – Read for 20mins. I didn’t get to this Mario Kart with
Hubby was so much more fun.
Homestead- Feed the chicken their 1st
ever fodder. I’m so excited to be able to feed it to them. They loved this! It was so nice to be
giving them healthy food!
Clean- Clean the kitchen. We ending up taking morning naps. This
meant after noon naps were so thrown off. Plus then my brother called and want
to talk. Clean will always need to happen, family is more important.
Workout- I didn’t get to my workout this
morning. I am going to do 20 mins of yoga to make up for it. Yoga was done. I tried a new person YouTube,
want fond of it. It was very slow pace and she was quiet.
Crafting life – Design a Glass wood stove cover
for a friend. We kind of
started it. I have a little more work that has to be done on it.
There is so much going on. But I am so excited my little one
will be home in a week! I can’t wait to see her! What are your goals, how are
you don’t with the shut down?