Monday, December 3, 2012

Couponing Monday!

Sunday Coupons
I lucked out today! I got 8 Red Plum insert, 4 Target coupon books, and 4 Smart Source inserts today from friends and family that do not use them! It makes me so happy that I did not have to buy 4 papers on Sunday papers, saving me $8 there. I don't count on the inserts from people, but I will take them!

Today I'm going to go though my cutting and organization of my coupons. (Next week I'll show you how I organize my coupons for the stores, that I'm shopping the deals) I think it is important to have coupons organized, you find them quicker and you don't lose them. This also help my hubby no want to yell at me because of them all over the house. I organize on Monday and then keep my binder in the car, so it’s not all over the place!
I organize the inserts by Red Plum or Smart Source, and then I separate them into coupon piles (that are the same coupons).
After all the coupons are matched up then I pile the coupons that need to be cut and recycle the ones that won't be used.
My Binder is label (this makes it easier to know where the coupons are). Now I clean out my binder of all the expired coupons.
I take all the matching coupons and cut the coupons out of it all at one time. (Please be careful when you first do this because it easy to be off and ruin the last coupon)

Now put them in my binder in the correct labeled spot. (I use baseball card holders of the coupons)
Now you have a nice and organized binder that you can take anywhere!
This way only takes me an hour and fifteen minutes. Sounds long but I had over 12 inserts to cut out!

How do you organize your coupons? 

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