Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Gardening- planting Tobacco seeds

I got to plant tobacco seeds on February 13, 2013. I'm not a smoker, but hubby is and has been since he was 15. I fell in love with my hubby, the way he is and I don't want to change him. I will wait until he fells like it time to quit smoking. He has to want it for it to work.
1,000 tobacco seeds
As we all no a pack of smokes is $7, so he started to roll his own. That has made it $7 a carton. After matching Moonshiner, he decide he want to grow his own. Therefore he went and bought seeds. Then gave them to me.
Look how tiny the seeds are!
We decided that we are going to plant them around his new shed. All the research I have done on them, and they are suppose to get huge. I didn't want to share my garden area for them. I'm hoping they grow. It will save him some money.
I sprinkled them on, too little to count
What do you grow for someone else?


  1. I've been thinking of growing tobacco for my son and brother in law. I have some seeds so I need to start planning when and where to grow. Here are some good videos from Larry Hall. Look at the links below this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drBtf2cza_8
    I hope this is helpful.

  2. Hi Peggy
    I just got your message sorry the site didn't show it. I started them indoor about a week ago. I'm not positive how long they will take to grow or anything. My seeds didn't come with instructions, I plant them now because they are so tiny and I planted most of my tiny seeds now.
    Thanks for the video. :)
    Let me know how your seeds are coming!!!
