Friday, February 1, 2013

Gardening Tip- make a list

This tip is great for all types of gardener, but will really help the new ones! I got the tip from the last book I Flawless Gardens! How To Create the Perfect Organic Garden From Scratch in Less Than 7 Days
. It says to make a list of what you want in your garden.
This tip is awesome because it is so easy (I do it all the time) to go into and see all the seeds and buy way more then you need. Then you don't have room for all them. Now this is still the hardest thing for me to do. I have to look at my seeds before I go so I remember all the seeds I have,and not over buy. I do have a list and it helps a lot!

Hope this tip helps you! Do you have any tips? Let me know what they are!

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